Detailed information about managing orders.
Here you are able to manage your orders. You can filter by Stats, Region, and Location at the top of the screen. You can also use the Search bar or utilize the filter funnels to narrow down to specific orders.
You can create orders by clicking + New Order. In the new order screen you will be able to set up an order with associated product. The order number will fill once the order has been saved, and you can fill the information outlined below.
New Orders:
Description: Give order a name, title, or any other description
Status: Set order to active, inactive, or closed
Active: Order currently being ticketed
Inactive: Order cannot be ticketed on, but can be reactivated
Closed: Order cannot be ticketed on, and generally closed permanently
Review Required: This is optional, and this makes it where any tickets made for the order cannot be billed or added to hauler pay statements until the order is reviewed and the Review Required box is unchecked
Region: Order must be linked to a region of operations
Direction: Used for scale house to determine if weighing inbound(dumping) or outbound(material sales)
Ticket Source: Set which Devices have access to the order for a Location
All: Order can be ticketed from any device
Portal Only: Tickets can only be created using the manual Ticket Entry
Scale House: Order can only be ticketed from Desktop Ticketing App
Mobile: Order can only be ticketed from Fast-Weigh Mobile App
Use Haul Zones: This is optional, and if enabled will turn on Haul Zones for particular order
Customer: Select customer for the order
Pay Type: Select pay type for the order
Charge Show $/Charge Hide $: Charge to account with dollar amount shown or hidden on ticket
Cash, Credit Card, or Check: All display the dollar amount on ticket
Salesperson: This is optional, and allows you to set a salesperson for the order
Delivery Info/Address: Optional, and will be printed on every ticket
Open Order: Enabling establishes the order should always use Price Template's default pricing
Allows pricing on order to be updated via Open Order Price Update tool
Unlocks Desktop App "Add Products from Template" for adding products on the fly
Pricing Template: Template for Default Pricing used for Products added to order
Defaults based on Customer, but can be changed. What is set will control Default Pricing for Order Products
Default PO Number: Set the PO number to be used for ticketing on the order
Ticket PO Rule: Determines behavior of how PO numbers are applied to tickets
Default Only: Applies order PO to the ticket PO
Optional: Creates PO field in ticketing app and Ticket Entry that may or may not be filled out
Required: Creates PO field in ticketing app and Ticket Entry that must be filled out
Job Requisition: Enable to be able to select a Job and Phase if you have any
Job: If Job Requisition is enabled, you can use the magnifying glass to search and apply the appropriate job to the order
Phases: If Job Requisition is enabled and you have a Job selected, you can also select the appropriate phase for the order
Certified: Check this if this is going to be a Certified Order
This can be used to show or hide custom wording on custom tickets and reports
Load Settings:
Amount Minimum: Minimum dollar amount to charge on ticket at scale house
Load QTY Default: Allows for default load values or truck capacity values to be added to order - Typically used when selling by cubic yard
Use Truck Capacity: Use Truck Volume Capacity defined in Truck setup table
Use POD: Check to turn on Proof of Delivery for this order. Allows you to use Proof of Delivery mode on Fast-Weigh Mobile App to confirm receipt of delivery by scanning ticket. (Requires purchase of Proof of Delivery Module)
Evaluate Order Quantity: NOTE - This can currently be enabled on the desktop ticketing app, and does nothing from the web portal currently.
Adding Products to New Orders
To add products to an order ensure that you have created a product in Resources>Products.
Add Single Product
If you only need to add one product to an order then click + Add Single Product. This opens a window for you to fill in the information necessary to add the product to the order. You can add an unlimited amount of products to an order to account for any varied setups. After clicking + Add Single Product fill out the following:
Location: Location where the Order Product will be available
Yard: Yard where the Order Product will be available
Product: Product for the given Yard (NOTE: Only products that share a Pricing Template with the Order will appear.)
Hauler: Set a Hauler to restrict ticketing on this product to a specific hauler. If you leave this blank any hauler can be ticketed on.
Pricing Description: Describe the product
This will be necessary if you are adding a product more than once from the same Yard so that correct variation of product can be selected when ticketing
Tax Group: If tax code at time of ticketing is necessary you can set a Tax Code Group for the product
Tax Code: Select appropriate material tax code unless you are using Tax Code Group.
Unit Price: Material pricing
Fast-Weigh will load default pricing for customer associated with the order by default
Freight Charge Rate: Amount the customer is charged when invoiced, and can be set per unit or per load
Hauler Pay Rate: Amount owed to an external Hauler, and can be set per unit or per load
Surcharge: Surcharge, fee, or miscellaneous charge amount, and can be set per unit or per load
Adjustments: If you have pricing adjustments you can select them here, and you may select up to three per product.
Status: Set status of the product on the order
Active: Product available for ticketing
Inactive: Product unavailable for ticketing, but may be reactivated
Closed: Product unavailable for ticketing, and may no longer be available in the future
Active Date: Product will be inactive and hidden from ticketing until this date
Link to the product on an order, not the order itself
Expiration Date: After this date the product will become inactive and unavailable for ticketing
Delivery Date: You can set an expected delivery date for the product on the order
Order Quantity: Define set number of tons or loads for the product
Utilizing the Evaluate Order Quantity in the ticketing app will work together with this setting to warn or prevent an operator from ticketing once an order has reached the Order Quantity
Quantity Type: Set the Order Quantity to Per Unit or Per Load.
Default Phase: For use with third-party accounting systems that use accounting phases
Cost Type: For use with third-party accounting systems that use cost types
Click Update when done
Adding Multiple Products
If you would like to quickly be able to add multiple products to an order you just have to click + Add Multiple Products. From here you can filter by Location, Yard, and Product to narrow down which products you would like to add.
Once you click Refresh after selecting your filter parameters you will see your products populate in the table below. From here you can select as many products as you need to be added to the order.
Note: The selected products will use the default Price Template set for the order. If you uncheck Use Template Pricing you will be able to override the price of the products using the fields below.
Here you are able to override the product pricing if necessary, as well as set Freight/Hauler Rates, Order Quantity, and provide the same dates as if you were creating a single Order Product.
Updating Products
If you would like to create quick edits to the product(s) on your order, you can click the Update Products button in the top right of the Products table.
Any changes you make here will overwrite the current information for each product on the order. Any field you leave blank will not update on the product. Each field:
Location: Location of product you wish to update
Product: Product(s) which you would like to update, if set to All this will update all the products on the order
Unit Price: Price of material
Freight Charge Rate: Cost to customer for shipping material
Hauler Pay Rate: Amount owed to external hauler
Surcharge: Surcharge, fee, or miscellaneous charges
Tax Code: Material tax code
Active Date: Product inactive and hidden from ticketing until this date
Linked to product on an order, not the order itself
Expiration Date: After this date product will become inactive and unable to be ticketed on
Delivery Date: An estimated date of delivery
Deleting Products
You are able to delete individual products from orders by clicking the "X" button in the Product Table. Find the row that includes the product you wish to delete and simply click the "X".
You are also able to delete all products from an order by clicking the "X Delete All Products" button in the top of the Product Table. You will be prompted if you are sure you want to delete all products, and if you are then you can click OK.
NOTE: If you have already created tickets for a product on an order then you will be unable to delete that particular product from the order. See below image for an example where I was able to delete 2 products but the third was unable to be deleted due to tickets being created with that order product.
Notes & Documents
Here you are able to add any relevant notes or documents for an order.
Attached files only viewable from Order Setup screen
Notes field can be mapped to a custom report - if requested
Editing Existing Orders
In the Orders screen you have the option to Edit an already existing order.
Clicking Edit will take you to the same screen as you were creating the order, and allows you to make changes to the order.
Copy Order Button
If you would like to quickly create an order that is similar to an already existing order, you can highlight the desired order and click Copy Order to begin creating an order based off the order you copied. You can make any changes necessary to the new order.
Last updated