
Page Overview

Columns and Filters

The main page allows you to view your customer database. You can filter to view individual Regions if you have multiple, and each column can be filtered and searched as well. Any information contained in the customer listing can be searched, and any matching characters will display in the table, removing any listing that does not contain this information.

Searching can be filtered from the following columns:

  • ID: The shorthand customer identification.

  • Customer Name: The full customer name.

  • Address: The customer address.

  • City/State/Zip: The customer city, state, and postal code.

  • Phone: The customer contact number.

  • Company Code: A customer code assigned when communicating with external accounting software.

  • Terms: The billing terms associated with the customer.

  • Billing Mode: The billing intervals applied to the customer.

  • Tax Code: The default tax code applied to this customer.

  • Credit Status: The status of a customer, and their ability to be selected when creating orders or ticketing.

  • Default Order: The default order associated with the customer. This is selected after orders are created and chosen by order number.

Credit Status

  • Credit Status: This is used to set a default payment type for a customer.

    • Open: New orders default to Charge Hide $ and all active orders set to Charge Hide $ payment type.

    • Cash: New orders default to Cash and all active orders set to Cash payment type

    • Do Not Sell: Adds (DNS) to the customer name, new orders default to Inactive status, and all Active orders are set to Inactive status. This customer will no longer be selected when ticketing.

    • Closed: This customer is no longer available to select for orders or ticketing.

When the Credit Status is switched from Do Not Sell, all Inactive orders are set to the Active status.

The Do Not Sell and Closed credit statuses are not interchangeable. Do Not Sell should be used when the customer (or product) is unavailable, but anticipated to return to usual business. Closed should be used when the customer (or product) is no longer available or is not anticipated to return to usual business. Examples below:

  • Do Not Sell: Bob's Rocks is known as a primary source providing Pea Gravel, and unexpectedly run into low inventory. The owner informs you that this product will not be available to fill until more has been acquired, but is also closing for the holidays. During this time, Bob's Rocks should be set to Do Not Sell until they reopen in the new year with new inventory. All Active orders will be set to Inactive so they cannot be selected for ticketing in Fast-Weigh.

  • Closed: Bob's Rocks has been operating in the region for 20 years. The owner informs that they are permanently closing for business at the end of the quarter. At that time, all Active orders will be set to Closed, and the customer will now longer be available to create new orders or ticket in Fast-Weigh.

Adding New Customers

Adding new customer records into Fast-Weigh can be accomplished directly by clicking [+Customer], or when using external software. To add a new customer directly into Fast-Weigh, you will need to enter information to identify the customer in the new pop-up window. The required information is noted below in bold with an asterisk.

  • Prospect: Check box to show Customer as a prospective or potential customer.

  • *Customer ID: A shorthand code to identify the customer (10 character max).

  • *Customer Name: The full customer name (50 character max).

  • Address 1: The primary address for the customer.

  • Address 2: Additional (optional) address line for suite or building number or other.

  • City: The city the customer is located.

  • Country: The country the customer is located (Currently only Canada, USA, or Mexico can be selected).

  • State: The state the customer is located.

  • Zip: The postal code for the customer.

  • Phone: The primary telephone contact number.

  • Add Contacts: Check box to add customer contacts (can be edited later).

  • Credit Status: The current credit status of the customer (See above for Credit Status. This can be edited later).

  • Pricing Template: The default pricing template applied to this customers orders.

  • Company Code: A customer code assigned when communicating with external accounting software.

  • Terms: The billing terms associated with the customer.

  • Billing Mode: The billing intervals applied to the customer.

  • All Regions: Allows you to set a customer for selection on Orders in all regions, or only within selected regions.

  • Tax Code: The default tax code applied to this customer.

  • Tax Exempt Reference #: Reference number entered for a tax exempt customer.

  • Ticket Copies: How many additional copies should be automatically printed.

  • Salesperson: The salesperson or account manager responsible for this customer.

Adding Contacts

Clicking the [+Add] button opens a new window for adding contacts, allowing you to create a list of customer contacts that should be receiving billing or ticketing information. The options available allow for email and text notifications to the email and phone number listed.

Editing Customers and Additional Settings

After a customer has been added to the database, you can edit their information at any time, including updating their contacts, adding notes, as well as some additional settings.

  • Has Notes: Allows the addition of notes for the customer. See below for an example.

  • Credit Limit: Dollar amount for Monitoring, Reporting & Dashboards - A/R Module Enabled Only

  • Payment Methods: Default Methods the customer is allowed to use for payments. - A/R Module Enabled Only

  • Payment & Late Fee: Default Fees applied the customer. - A/R Module Enabled Only

    • Can be setup under Resources > Billing > Invoice Adjustment Types

  • Enable Self Pay: Checkbox that allows the customer to submit payments.

The Has Notes field will display a "Yes/No" option depending on if a note has been added. Clicking the [View/Edit] box will allow you to add notes to the customer. These can be used to display any information related to the customer or their internal organization. A good example would be for a customers billing department.

Adding External Customers

Previous customers can be imported into Fast-Weigh from an external source.

  1. Navigate to Resources > Customers

  2. Click the [+External Customers] button.

  3. Upload your Customer import file.

  4. Configure the parameters in the section below the table.

  5. Click Save to add the imported Customers into Fast-Weigh.

Click the following link for a sample Import file for a Customer Import. You can use this as a reference when creating your import file with your customer information.

Last updated
