
Running Reports

Our reporting tool allows you to pull production reports across a variety of of preset categories. Selecting the primary and subcategories will allow you to select the parameters listed on the right of the screen, providing granular control of the information presented. Clicking Refresh will return the requested information.

Scheduled Reports

Scheduled Reports allows you to automatically generate and deliver a variety of reports for internal staff, customers, and haulers at intervals you set. Scheduled Reports can be sent to any valid email address, not just portal users. This provides a simple solution to acquire requested information at a time that is convenient to you instead of manually running them. For example, requesting all Voided Ticket Transactions at the close of business, or the Hauler Pay Summary at the end of the month.

Custom reports can also be generated with the Scheduled Reports module. If you do not see your Custom report, or would like to request a Custom report, please reach out to our Support team.


Analytics provides a visual insight to your organizations data with easily digestible charts and reports for categories like sales, trucks, customers, products, and more.

Custom Reports

Custom reports are available if a Default Report does not contain the information available from your organizations data. This can be anything from including or removing a surcharge price, discount or credit, or providing a daily report of trucks and orders.

Last updated