
The Fast-Weigh Desktop Ticketing App's main screen is made up of fields that contain the who, what, and why of your ticketing. The information presented is simplified for ease of use and avoids clutter and overcrowding of unnecessary information or data. This section will break down some of the main components of Fast-Weigh's Ticketing Screen.

The side menu can be stored or expanded by clicking the three lines in the top left. The expanded menu will provide some context for the icons you see by default on the side bar.

These menu options are:

  • Ticketing: Where you will primarily ticket for single tickets.

  • Multi-Ticketing: Where you will ticket when selecting multiple products per ticket.

  • Trucks: Where you will manage your Trucks and Haulers in-app.

  • Customers: Where you will review your customer information.

  • Orders: Where you will review and manage your Location orders in-app.

  • Reports: Where you will run reports in-app.

  • History: Where you will review, reprint, or void previous tickets.

  • Portal: A link to the Fast-Weigh Web Portal.

Specific pages for these menus are available in more detail.

Support, Sync, and Settings Icons

In the top right of the screen are additional icons. Clicking the three dots on the far right will add text to help navigate. These icons relate to:

  • Support: Will open a new browser page to the Fast-Weigh support page.

    • This is commonly referred to by our support team as the "headset icon" that provides a download link to our remote assist tool.

  • Help: This links to our Support team, allowing you to submit a help request and review our Knowledge Base articles.

  • Operator: Allows you to select or enter a new operator.

  • Sync: Provides a single-click to update your Ticketing App with any updated Web Portal records.

  • Settings: Opens the settings menu.

    • Depending on your user permissions or organization policy, these may be locked to some users.


The main focus on the ticketing screen is the information you will enter to create a ticket. To begin ticketing, you must select or enter a Truck.

These fields are:

  • Truck: The truck selected, and the related information. While the Truck ID is populated in the text field, the Hauler, their most recent tare date and weight, and the truck max weight and total volume will be listed to the right.

  • Customer: The Customer ID will populate in the text field, while the full name will be listed to the right.

  • Order: The Order Number will populate in the text field, the Order Description will be listed to the right.

  • Product: The Product ID will populate in the text field, the full product name will be include.

This information can be typed into these fields, provided you know the exact information. However, clicking the magnifying glass next to each field will allow you to review and select the Truck, Customer, Order, and Product from the right side menu.

The next block of ticketing information includes:

  • Order Info: The order information entered on the order. Includes the delivery address, order note, or PO number.

  • Ticket Note: The Ticket Note is an editable field that can be used by the scale house to associate any notes the driver may provide, such as a change of address, load fulfillment, etc.

  • Weight: The weight field provides the weight registered by the connected scale or manually entered.

  • Gross, Tare, and Net: The two boxes below Weight provide the Gross, Tare, and Net between US Measurements or Metric Measurements.

Finally, the lower left section provides the option to PRINT or create a ticket, and provides a quick detail of your locations productivity and the next ticket in sequence. The lower right right provides the scale and traffic light toggles. If you are using more than one scale, you will see these listed by their scale name as well.

Daily Ticket History and Truck List

This menu will show you your Daily Ticket History while there is no information being selected, but clicking the magnifying glass next to the Truck field will show you a list of available trucks to begin ticketing. However, if you are needing to repeat the exact ticket, you can select a line item from the Daily Ticket History menu, which will auto-populate that tickets information.


The Daily Ticket History menu can be adjusted to show available trucks marked as In-Yard. By clicking the drop down menu showing Last Load Today, you can view any In-Yard truck. There are a few settings that allow you to mark trucks as In-Yard (more on this in the Settings article). With these settings enabled, you can TARE a truck prior to ticketing, and then revisit the ticket once they have been loaded. When selecting TARE, you will be prompted to confirm if the Truck is In-Yard.

When marking a Truck as In-Yard, it will assign the truck to the Order and Order Product, which you will see reflected in the Web Portal under the Trucks > Assignment menu. You can read more on this in the Assignment article.

Multi-Product Ticketing

Fast-Weigh Ticketing also supports multi-product ticketing. The screen for multi-product ticketing remains the same as the standard ticketing screen, with a few additions and changes.

When using multi-product ticketing, you will have a new option next to the [PRINT] button. After selecting the TRUCK, CUSTOMER, ORDER, and PRODUCT, clicking the new [ADD PRODUCT] button will select the current product and weight and add them to the PRODUCTS ON TICKET table. This table displays the related product information and the current weight by units. Products can also be removed if selected by accident by pressing the [✖] button on the right hand side.

The new weight tables provide the total units on this order between all products that have been added as a running total.

Last updated
