Creating Payments

With the Fast-Weigh AR & Payments module, you can handle invoice payments directly through the Fast-Weigh Web Portal via Cash, Credit, or ACH.

How to Create Invoices within New Payments

Tickets must be on an invoice in order to collect a payment. This article covers adding tickets to an invoice from the New Payment screen first. If your tickets are already on an invoice, skip to step to the next section (How to Create a New Payment)

  1. Navigate to "Billing" > "New Payment"

  1. Navigate to the Tickets tab

  1. Select the Region and Customer, then click [Refresh]

This will provide a list of all tickets that have not been invoiced for this customer.
  1. Select the tickets you want to invoice. Ensure the invoice distribution and invoice date are correct, then click [Create Invoice]

  1. This will automatically navigate to the Invoices tab and select the invoice(s) generated

How to Create a New Payment

  1. If you don't already have the invoice(s) selected. Select the Region and Customer, then click [Refresh] and select the invoice(s)

  1. Select the Payment Method being used, ensure that the amount is correct and click the [Create Payment] button

Last updated
