Requests are the backbone of the Dispatching module. Requests are order product specific which means it is specific to a Location, Order, Product and date range.
Requests Dashboard
The Request Dashboard has 3 views that can be toggled by clicking the file tabs: Requests, Trucks, and Whiteboard.
At the top of any view of the Request Dashboard, you will find parameter filters and creation options
Region: Filter the listed requests down by the region
Status: Filter the listed requests down by Status
Active: Displays all Requests that have not been closed, including both active Requests and those on hold.
Open: Indicates that your trucks should be actively running loads for that Request. On the whiteboard, open Requests are green.
Hold: When a Request is placed on hold, trucks are not actively running loads for the Request but will resume at some point. On the whiteboard, Requests on hold are blue.
Pending: When a Request is created by a Customer User Log In the status is set to Pending, an internal user must update the status of the Request once it is deemed legitimate
Closed: The Request is complete. No more loads will be run. On the whiteboard, closed Requests are grey.
All: Show all Statuses
Date: You can enter a Custom Date range or use the Quick Date Range selectors.
New Request: Creates a new request
Copy Request: If a request is selected (highlighted green), Copy Request duplicates the request as a new request. You can then modify the copied request.
Send Notification on Remove: Automatically notifies the driver that they have been removed from a request when they are removed.
Requests View
On the Request view, you will see a list of all requests relevant to the selected filters:
Request Level Actions
Alert: Prompts the user to enter a message to be sent to all assigned trucks
Edit: Navigates user to the Edit Request page for the selected request
Delete: Deletes the request. Only allowed if no tickets have been run on the request
Clicking the small triangle on the far left will expand the request, and show the haulers assigned to the request
Hauler Level Actions
Trucks: Opens the Add Trucks Menu
Resend: Resends the Request information to the assigned trucks
Print: Downloads the Dispatch Request PDF
Email: Automatically Emails the Dispatch Request PDF to the Hauler's Contact Email
Clicking the small triangle by the hauler on the far left will expand the request further, and show the trucks from that hauler assigned to the request
Truck Level Actions
Resend: Resends the Request Information to a specific truck
Alert: Prompts the user to enter a message to be sent to all assigned trucks
Edit: Opens the Edit Request Info for Truck
Delete: Removes truck from the Request
Trucks View
Add: Opens the Add Truck to Request Menu
Clicking the small triangle by the truck on the far left will expand the truck to show all assigned requests
Assigned Requests Level Actions
Resend: Resends the Request Information to a specific truck
Alert: Prompts the user to enter a message to be sent to all assigned trucks
Edit: Opens the Edit Request Info for Truck
Delete: Removes truck from the Request
Whiteboard View
Creating/Editing a Request
Region: Sets the Region for this request
Order: Sets the Order for this request
Customer: Automatically populates based on the selected order
Product: Sets the Product from the selected Order for this request
Save: Saves the Request and activates the Haulers and Requested Truck Types panels
New: Creates a new empty request
Close: Returns the user to the requests screen
Request Description: Describes the request so that operators/drivers are able to easily identify which request it is
Delivery Info: Generic information field that can be used to describe additional information about the delivery location or process
Address: The Delivery Address for this request
Reference #: Generic field for internal tracking of the request
Latitude/Longitude: Exact coordinates of the delivery location
Map: Opens a map that a pin can be dropped on to determine the Latitude/Longitude of a delivery location. Useful for deliveries that do not have exact street addresses
Duration: How long the Request is active for
All Day: 1 day
Multi-Day: continuous range of days
Request Date: Start of the Request
To Date: End of the Request (only available for Multi-Day Requests)
Time: The time of day the request starts
Quantity: Number of units/loads needed for this request
Quantity Type: Determines whether the Quantity entered will be tracked by Units or Loads
Status: Status of this request
Open: Indicates that your trucks should be actively running loads for that Request. On the whiteboard, open Requests are green.
Hold: When a Request is placed on hold, trucks are not actively running loads for the Request but will resume at some point. On the whiteboard, Requests on hold are blue.
Pending: When a Request is created by a Customer User Log In the status is set to Pending, an internal user must update the status of the Request once it is deemed legitimate
Closed: The Request is complete. No more loads will be run. On the whiteboard, closed Requests are grey.
Close on Complete: If enabled, the request will update its status to closed when the Quantity is fulfilled
Has Notes: If the order for this request has notes the View/Edit button will be enabled and will redirect the user to the Notes on the order
Add Trucks
From Date: Start of the Request
To Date: End of the Request (only available for Multi-Day Requests)
Quantity: Number of units/loads needed for this request
Quantity Type: Determines whether the Quantity entered will be tracked by Units or Loads (Drop Down Menu next to Quantity)
Priority Level:
Remove on Complete: If enabled, the truck will be removed from the request when the assigned Quantity is fulfilled
Truck Message: Custom message that will be sent to the driver
Please Enter Your Message:
Edit Request Info For Truck
Duration: How long the Request is active for
All Day: 1 day
Multi-Day: continuous range of days
Request Date: Start of the Request (From Date)
To Date: End of the Request (only available for Multi-Day Requests)
Time: The time of day the request starts
Quantity: Number of units/loads needed for this request
Quantity Type: Determines whether the Quantity entered will be tracked by Units or Loads
Remove on Complete: If enabled, the truck will be removed from the request when the assigned Quantity is fulfilled
Truck Message: Custom message that will be sent to the driver
Add Truck to Request
Duration: How long the Request is active for
All Day: 1 day
Multi-Day: continuous range of days
From Date: Start of the Request
To Date: End of the Request (only available for Multi-Day Requests)
Time: The time of day the request starts
Quantity: Number of units/loads needed for this request
Quantity Type: Determines whether the Quantity entered will be tracked by Units or Loads (Drop Down Menu next to Quantity)
Priority Level:
Remove on Complete: If enabled, the truck will be removed from the request when the assigned Quantity is fulfilled
Truck Message: Custom message that will be sent to the driver
Last updated