Creating Billing Terms and Modes

Set up your payment terms and billing modes. These terms and codes should be set up in conjunction with your Accounts Receivable Terms Codes.

How to Create Payment Terms

  1. Navigate to "Resources" > "Billing" > "Pay Terms"

  2. Click the [+ New Terms] button

  3. Add one-character Code, a Description and the number of days for the term

  4. Click [✓Update]

How to Create Billing Modes

  1. Navigate to "Resources" > "Billing" > "Pay Terms"

  2. Click the [+ New Billing Mode] button

  3. Add one-character Code and a Description

Once Terms and Billing modes are set up, go to "Resources" > "Customers" to assign these to your customers.

Adding a particular billing mode to a customer profile allows you to select tickets for billing based on the customer’s assigned method.

Last updated
