
This module allows you to manage and track trucks, haulers, and the deliveries requested. Before a truck can be used for Requests, you will need to enable dispatching for both the Hauler and Trucks.


This section allows the overall management of the Dispatching module. From here you can add trucks to be requested, submit and alert drivers of new Requests, and a summary report of all Requests.


The Requests table is the main screen for managing Dispatching. Here you can view and edit your Requests at-a-glance. You can add new trucks, alert drivers, make changes, or review individual truck requests.


The Trucks table provides an overview of your Requests organized by the assigned Trucks. Here, you can quickly review how many Requests a Truck has for a set time frame, add the Truck to an existing Request, and edit the Truck's existing Requests


Your Requests Whiteboard provides a different view of your Requests. Here, you can see summary cards of the Request, as well as make edits to the Request and send alerts.


Allows you to add or edit drivers available per Hauler, as well as set them to active or inactive depending on their availablity. This section includes adding their phone number used to send SMS messages and alerts related to each assigned Request.

Live Tracking

Live Tracking provides location data based on the position of the Request. With the Lat/Long selected, the Request can be tracked from the time of pick-up to delivery. With the map provided by Microsoft Azure, you can view any traffic or weather conditions that may be affecting the delivery.

Tracking Query

The Tracking Query allows you to view all tracked Requests and their event history, including Pickup, Start/Stop, and Delivery date and time for each request. This also provides a map of the GPS location at the event time for review.

Request Import

The Request Import allows uploading of previous Requests from a .CSV file.

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