Spectrum Material Management / Vista MS Ticket Import File Layout
For Spectrum MM import, file column numbers typically match the line numbers in the import template.
Some values will need to be hard coded in the Vista import.
Two common hard codings are:
Material Sales Company : (insert company number or code)
Batch Transaction Type : A
Ticket #
Customer ID
Product ID
Date - quirk: Vista Month Column Ex: MM/01/YYY (3 y's is correct)
Yard Code / From Location
Truck ID
Hauler ID
Unit Price
Net Units
Gross Weight
Tare Weight
Order Number
Cost Type
Feight Rate (To Charge)
Freight Amount (To Charge)
Surcharge Amount
Tax Code
Tax Total
Batch Code
PO #
Order Description
Not Used
COD Flag (H/E/N)
Ticket Total
Sale Type (C/J)
Not Used
Invoice #
Hauler Amount (To Pay)
Not Used
Not Used
Order UDF1
Order UDF2
Order UDF3
Hauler Type (H/E/N)
Haul Basis (If per load, 1. If per unit, net units)
Haul Rate (To Charge)
Deliver To (First Line)
Haul Zone Name
Ticket Note
Material Amount
Ticket UDF1
Ticket UDF2
Ticket UDF3
Last updated