
The Orders menu allows you to review, add, and edit orders at your locations. The main screen provides the Order #, the Customer information, and the Description, Direction, and Pay Type. Adjusting the ACTIVE/INACTIVE drop down will change the display between Active and Inactive orders.

Next to this drop down is a toggle to Show Order Products. This button adjusts the menu screen to collapsible lines and provides more details relating to the product and location for each order listed. After expanding each order line, the Collapse All button will return each line to closed. Clicking again will expand the order lines again.

Add Order

In the top right corner of the Order screen, you can click [ADD ORDER] to add a new order directly in the app. This will change the screen to the Order Entry screen, which is similar to the +[New Order] screen in the web portal.

  • Order Number: Automatically assigned by the system. This field cannot be filled or changed by the user.

  • Direction (Required): Used for the scale house to determine if weighing inbound (e.g. dumping) or outbound (e.g. material sales).

  • Customer (Required): Click on the search button to bring up your Customer List to add a Customer to the Order.

  • Description (Required) : Create a name, title, or other description of the Order here.

  • Order/Delivery Info: Custom Order/Delivery instructions which will be printed on every ticket.

  • Pay Type (Required): Select the payment type for the Order:

    • Charge Show $ / Charge Hide $: Charged to an account with the dollar amount either shown or hidden on the ticket

    • Cash, Credit Card, or Check: All of these options display the dollar amount on the ticket.

  • PO Number: Customer-assigned purchase order number.

  • Job: You may enter a customer job number as a reference.

  • Certified: Check this box if this is a Certified Order.

  • Use Haul Zones: Selecting “Yes” for this field turns on Haul Zones for a particular order.

  • Open Order: Set this to YES if this order will be open to future Price Updates.

  • Click [SAVE] to save your changes and begin adding Products.

After saving, a new section will be added to the lower area of the Add/Edit Orders screen.

Clicking the [ADD ORDER PRODUCT] button will provide you with a new menu to add a product to the order you've just created.

Add Products

  • Yard: Use the search button to set the Yard where this Order Product will be accessible.

  • Product: Use the search button to select the Product.

    • The Unit Price, Freight Rate, Surcharge, and Hauler Rate boxes will be automatically set, but can be edited if prices are shown.

  • Tax Group & Tax Code: This will be automatically set, but can be changed with the search button.

  • Hauler: Select a specific Hauler if only one will be allowed to ticket this material.

  • Pricing Description: Optional if this product will follow a certain pricing structure.

    • (Ex: 10% off the first 20 tons)

  • Freight Type: Set freight type by load or unit.

  • Surcharge Type: Set surcharge type by load or unit.

  • Default Phase: If you have a third-party accounting system that uses accounting phases, the Default Phase field integrates directly with those phases.

  • Cost Type: Integrates directly with any cost types used in your third-party accounting system.

  • Price Adjustments: Set the price adjustments that will be applied to your product.

  • Click [SAVE] to save your changes.

  • Repeat this to add all Products being sold on this Order.

  • After creating a new Order, make sure to click the Sync button in the top right.

Editing Orders

To make changes to an Order, click on the EDIT button on the left of the Orders table. The Order Edit page is the same as the Order Creation page.

  • Make any changes to the Order or Order Products information and [SAVE] each change.

  • If you need to set an Order as Inactive, click on the Inactivate button on the Order table and confirm that you want to set the order as Inactive.

  • After editing an Order, make sure to click the Sync button in the top right.

Last updated
