
The History menu contains the Ticket History, which can be refined to view per lane, or searched by customer, order #, product, and more.

Page Overview

Columns and Filters

The information present on the Ticket History screen is made available through ticketing with the columns below. Any related information can be entered into the search bar, and the date range selected to refine and narrow the expected results.

  • Ticket #: The ticket number generated by Fast-Weigh.

  • Date/Time: The date and time the ticket was created.

  • Net: The Net weight of the ticket.

  • Truck: The Truck ID that was used.

  • Hauler: The Hauler associated with the truck.

  • Customer: The Customer associated with the Order.

  • Order #: The associated Order # from the Order creation.

  • Product: The product selected for the ticket or from the associated order.

  • Lane: The lane that this order and product was ticketed.

  • Notes: Manual notes entered for this ticket.

  • Image: An image, if available, of the truck on the scale, view of the product, etc.

  • Signature: The signature of the scale house operator.

The remaining columns allow for reprinting, saving, and voiding previous tickets from the history, which are covered below.

Ticket Info

The information presented in the history can be expanded by selected a ticket from the menu. The additional information will display in a new popup window.

This can be helpful when reviewing tickets for potential errors, corrections, or duplications.

Saving and Printing

Voiding Tickets

Last updated
