Ticket Import
Detailed information on the Ticket Import tab of the Tickets module.
Here you can build an interface with files from an older ticketing system, or with an external company's ticketing data you need to record.
You will first need to create your import format before you can import tickets.

Format - The import format you created for a given customer.
Region - The appropriate region that will apply to the customer you are importing tickets from.
Location - The appropriate location that will apply to the customer you are importing tickets from.
Yard - The appropriate yard that will apply to the customer you are importing tickets from
Overwrite Date - If you would like to overwrite the date that is in the import file, you may set that here.
Overwrite Hauler - If you would like to overwrite the hauler that is in the import file, you may set that here.
Add New Trucks - If the truck(s) listed in the import file aren't already, you may check this box to add the truck(s) to your Fast Weigh system.

Above reflects what the import table will look like with a successful import with no errors. Each ticket will have a green check beside it. You may also Edit or Delete any ticket in this table before Saving.

Above reflects what the import table will look like with errors. Each ticket with an error will have the red "x" icon next to the ticket number. The reason for the error will be listed in the Errors column next to the Edit button.
You can edit tickets in the import table by clicking the button:

You may also delete any tickets in the import table by clicking the button.

Upload - This button will upload the tickets found on the import file to the import table
Re-Verify - I'm not entirely sure at the moment
Save - This will save the tickets in the import table to the Fast Weigh database, and the tickets will be able to be viewed from the Ticket Query
Cancel - This will cancel the import and clear the import table
Last updated