Portal Settings
Billing Settings
The Billing Settings allow adjustments for the information requested and presented in the Billing tab. The options provided and their relation are as follows:
Starting Invoice #: Devices the starting invoice number to be used during Billing.
Note: This setting will not affect the invoice number sequence past the very first invoice
Default Invoice Break: Defines when to create a new invoice number for a group of tickets. This sequence must begin with Customer, then subsequent break settings can be selected in any order of the following:
Order: Creates a new invoice for each customer order.
PO: Creates a new invoice number for each purchase order established on an order.
Tax Code: Creates a new invoice number for each tax code set on the ticket.
Product: Creates a new invoice for each different version of a Product on an Order
Yard: Creates a new invoice for each yard.
Ticket UDFs: Creates a new invoice for each different entry of your User Defined Fields.
Billing Export Format: Choose your third-party accounting system to define how Fast-Weigh billing data will interface.
Optional Invoice Prefix: If using direct accounting integration, you may add a short prefix to your invoices to avoid any duplicate invoice numbers being created in your third-party accounting system.
Company Codes: This three=digit company code corresponds to the one used with your accounting system. If your accounting system doesn't use a three-digit company code, you can simply use the first three letters of your company name instead.
GL AR Account: Corresponds to the GL AR Account used in your third-party accounting system.
AR Tax: Corresponds to the AR tax code used in your third-party accounting system.
External Tax Service: Used to connect a third-party service, like Avalara, to control Tax Codes.
Order/Ticket Settings
The Order/Ticket settings allows adjustment of select information when reviewing tickets, orders, and products.
Units of Measure: Defined global units of measurement used during Product Setup.
Default Tax Code By: Used to determine the order of Tax Code Defaults.
Customer: New Order-Products use the Products default tax code if it is set first, then use the Customer if no Product default is set.
Ex: Used when you primarily control tax by Customer, but have some products that are always exempt.
Product: New Order-Products use the Customer default tax code if it is set first, then use the Product if no default is set.
Ex: Used when you primarily control tax by the Product and Location, but have some Customers that are always exempt.
Password/Security Settings
Controls and enforces password requirements for users created within your Web Portal.
Minimum Password Length: Set the minimum password length required.
Password Expiration: Set a password expiration date, which forces users to change their passwords at that time.
Use Strong Passwords: Requires a combination of special charcters, uppercase, and digits.
Trusted Device Login Period: Default period until users are auto-logged out.
Freight Settings
Freight Settings are primarily used in relation to your third-party accounting system.
Freight Code Our Truck: The Product Code or SKU for your Freight rates.
Freight Code Hired Truck: The Product Code or SKU for your Hauler rates.
Freight Description: Optional field to correspond with any freight rate product or SKU description.
Surcharge Code: Any additional fee codes
Use Freight Haul Zones: Allows use of Haul Zones when building orders.
Note: Freight rates, hauler rates, and surcharges are set up when building orders.
Quote Settings
Default Quote Expiration Days: Default number of days from the Create Date on a Quote that is used to auto-fill the Expiration field.
Hauler Pay Settings
Used with the Hauler Pay module, these settings allow you to adjust the statement, similar to the Billing settings above.
Statement Break: Defines when to create a new invoice number for a group of tickets. This sequence must begin with Hauler, then subsequent break settings can be selected in any order of the following:
Truck: Creates a new invoice for each truck.
Order: Creates a new invoice for each order.
Ticket: Creates a new invoice for each ticket.
Include Zero Amounts: Allows zero dollar amounts to be included.
Load-Out Settings
Used with the Load-Out module, these settings allow you to adjust the time and assignment rules for trucks.
Turn Around Minutes: Minimum time between the same truck being tared and marked in-yard.
Clear Truck Assignment: Auto-clear the Truck Order Assignment with a Ticket is created.
Proof of Delivery Settings
This allows you to enter a Proof of Delivery disclaimer notice for Acceptance and Rejection, and a link to your Terms and Condition URL.
Other Settings
These additional settings provide adjustments across the Web Portal.
Dashboard - Show Last: The default range the Dashboard data is available. Setting to zero results in the current days data only.
Use Metric Lables: Switch U.S. Imperial measurement units to Metric units.
Use Secondary Tax: Enables the use of Secondary Tax Codes.
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