Email Bounce Report

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The table above provides a snapshot of information related to any bounced message using the following headers:

  • Bounce Date: The date the message was submitted and bounced.

  • Message ID: Unique code that can be used to request the message from a mail server

  • Email: The email of the intended user being messaged.

  • Subject: The title of the email.

  • Type: The type of bounce experienced (See Common Terms below)

  • Inactive: If the message is no longer available.

An email may bounce for numerous reasons out of your control, and depending on the Type, may easily be resolved. Reasons a bounce may be experienced and examples follow the Common Terms below.

Common Terms

  • Soft Bounce

    A Soft Bounce is an email that cannot be delivered due to a temporary issue. Reasons for a soft email bounce include full inboxes, emails that are too large to send, or a temporary email suspension.

  • Hard Bounce

    A Hard Bounce is an email that cannot be delivered because of a permanent issue. Common reasons for hard bounces are typos, domains that do not exist, or email addresses that don’t exist.

Soft Bounces differ from Hard Bounces in that hard email bounces are due to a permanent issues vs soft bounces. You can attempt to resend to the intended recipient on a Soft Bounce, but be aware that submitting too many resend attempts to the same address may flag your email as spam within their email system. It is best practice to confirm the contact information before making another attempt after multiple failed attempts for a Soft Bounce, and find an alternative route for Hard Bounces.

Last updated
