Default Reports
Reporting Portal
All default reports are marked with required parameters, and most have optional fields to focus on desired information. These fields are not required for the report to provide information. Certain information can also be searched for after the report has been generated by clicking the search icon in the reporting toolbar, provided that the information is included in the report.
If a specific default report does not contain all of the information you require, please reach out to our support team and we can assist in determining if another default report category may, or if a custom report is needed.
There is a reporting feature built into the ticketing app that contains reports specific to the local database of your ticketing locations. To review a list of those reports, please refer to the Ticketing App - Reporting article.
The Tickets category provides information related to tickets generated by your Fast-Weigh application that have been synced to the Web Portal, or entered directly on the Web Portal. These reports include pricing information as it appears in relation to the products, orders, taxes, etc.
Report Name | Run To Review... |
Product Usage | Average prices, total tickets, and product totals. |
Ticket Detail | Condensed ticket information. |
Ticket Detail - Adjustments | Condensed ticket information with adjustments. |
Ticket Note Detail | Condensed ticket information with ticket notes. |
Ticket Reprint | Reprinted tickets with formats selection |
Ticket Reprint - Multi-Product | Condensed multi-product ticket information. |
Ticket Summary | Location ticket summary of orders/tickets qty, etc. |
Quote Reports provide information based on the quotes submitted by users in your organization. Some reports may contain pricing information.
Report Name | Run To Review... |
Quote Award Rate by Salesperson | Chart of submitted, accepted, or rejected quotes. |
Quote Listing | Submitted quotes and their status. |
Quote Summary | Detailed quote information. |
Quote Award Rate | Percentage of awarded quotes. |
Salesperson Quote Summary | Quote summaries per salesperson. |
Orders reports provide all information related to Orders in your Fast-Weigh. These reports contain pricing information as it relates to each order.
Report Name | Run To Review... |
Adjustment Date Expiration Summary | Product price/surcharge adjustments expiration dates. |
Job Requisitions Phase Progress | Progress per job phase. |
Job Requisitions Ticket Detail | Ticket details per job. |
Order Activity Detail | Activity and totals per order. |
Order Listing | Orders per Region/Location. |
Order Listing - Price Adjustments | Product price adjustments per order. |
Order Price Sheet | Order prices after selected creation date. |
Order Product Expiration Review | Order product activated and expiration dates. |
Order Quantity Progress | Order quantity delivered or remaining. |
Order Summary | Condensed order information with totals. |
Price Update Review | Color coded price adjustments vs original price. |
Product Pricing Variation | Difference between order and default prices. |
Salesperson Order Summary | Condensed order information by salesperson. |
Trucks Reports provide information about Trucks and Haulers associated with your organization. These reports including pricing, payment, and production information, as well as the assignments for products or orders, license and certificate expiration dates, and tare history.
Report Name | Run To Review... |
Freight Report | Freight amount per truck. |
Hauler and Freight Margins | Price margin averages between hauler and freight rates. |
Hauler and Truck Listing | Hauler and Truck breakdown. |
Hauler Pay | Detailed hauler pay rate by material units. |
Hauler Pay Statement Detail | Hauler Pay Statement information. |
Hauler Pay Statement Summary | Hauler statements, averages, and payment totals. |
Loader Times | Time averages based on Loader ID. |
Load-Out Summary | Condensed Load-Out information. |
Load-Out Ticket Detail | Condensed Load-Out ticket information. |
Pre-Hauler Pay Pricing Verification | Pricing associated per product haul rate. |
Truck Assignment | Assignment breakdown per order, product, and customer. |
Truck Expiration Review | License and insurance pending and defined expiration dates. |
Truck Overdue Tares | Tare information by location and last tare date. |
Truck Production Detail | Truck productivity and material costs. |
Truck Production Summary | Condensed truck productivity and material costs. |
Truck Tare History | Truck tare date, location, and weights |
Trucker Statement | Truck productivity and pay rates per hauler. |
Dispatching reports provide information generated with the Dispatching module. These reports relate to order requests and dispatches, and include pricing information.
Report Name | Run To Review... |
Dispatching Truck Listing | Breakdown of active or inactive trucks for dispatching. |
Driver Timesheet | Time stamps per truck actions and total hours. |
Request Detail | Breakdown of requests made per order and hauler. |
Request Fulfillment Detail | Breakdown of request fulfillment and material costs. |
Request Listing | Condensed requests information and statuses. |
Request Product Pricing Listing | Breakdown of requests with product pricing. |
Request Summary | Total amounts of requests; Open, Closed, On Hold. |
Truck Dispatch Detail | Dispatched and requested truck breakdown. |
These reports relate to all Billing generated in Fast-Weigh in relation to your organization. These reports provide pricing information, and can sometimes display this information between customers.
Report Name | Run To Review... |
Cash Sale Detail | Ticket detail with pricing on cash sales. |
Invoice Detail | Invoice information across statuses |
Invoice Distribution | Invoice and Batch export, email, and print information. |
Invoice Reprint | Reprints of invoices based on status. |
Invoice Summary | Pricing totals from invoices and batches. |
Payment Type Detail | Ticket pricing information based on payment terms. |
Pre-Billing Pricing Verification | Prices per product prior to batching or invoicing. |
Pre-Billing Pricing Verification - Adjustments | Prices per product with adjustments prior to batching or invoicing. |
Pre-Billing Pricing Verification - Surcharge | Prices per product with surcharges prior to batching or invoicing. |
Price Adjustment Summary | Available Price Adjustments, total tickets, material, and cost values of adjustments. |
Royalties External Review | Royalties rate and totals per material and quantity. |
Royalties Internal Review | Internal review of net profit after costs. |
Sales Tax Summary | Tax information per tax code and affected materials |
Accounts Receivable
Reports in this category provide additional information outside of our standard Billing reports when using the Accounts Receivable module.
Report Name | Run To Review... |
Aging Detail | Unpaid customer invoices by how long they have been outstanding. |
Aging Summary | Unpaid customer invoices by how long they have been outstanding. |
Customer Credit Listing | List of all customers and billing with credit status and balances. |
Historical Aging Detail | Lists each client's outstanding balance during a set period of time. |
History Aging Summary | Breaks out by date interval for the invoice balance due or overdue. |
Invoice Fee Summary | Fees applied to invoices and the invoice status. |
Payment Detail | Invoice payments made, the payment method, and amounts applied to credit or payment total. |
Payment Detail Summary | Payment information by date, customer, payment method and totals applied to credit and balance. |
Payment Ticket Detail | Payment total by total tickets based on payment date. |
Receipt Reprint | Receipt reprints broken up by customer per Region. |
Statement Reprint | Collected Invoices and totals per Customer. |
Statement Summary | Statement totals and payments made. |
Statement Ticket Detail | Invoice breakdown by ticket and payments made. |
Resources reports provide information that has been added or otherwise managed by your Fast-Weigh, such as your customers, products, and inventory usage.
Report Name | Run To Review... |
Adjustment Expiration Listing | Adjustments descriptions, rates, and active dates. |
Customer Contact Listing | All customer contact info, and if they are selected for aspects of Fast-Weigh (Invoice via email/text). |
Customer Export - Excel | Customer listing formatted for Excel exporting. |
Customer Listing | Customer contact information, order totals, and status. |
Customer Listing - Recently Added | Customer contact information after a selected date. |
Customer Mailing Labels | Mailing labels populated from customer contact information. |
Customer Notes Listing | Notes entered on customers. |
Global Product List | Product code, description, and category for all products. |
Inventory Management by Date | Inventory per location by set, received, and sent amounts. |
Inventory Usage | Inventory usage from the set quantity date to the entered range. |
Inventory Usage by Date | Inventory usage between an entered date range. |
Product Pricing Templates Listing | Pricing Templates and the associated pricing levels. |
Proposed Product Pricing Review | Compare Pricing Template price defaults and the Proposed Pricing. |
Stonemont QC Plant Export | Shipped and load count by location. |
Stonemont QC Product Export | Shipped and load count by product. |
Tax Code Listing | Shows Tax Codes and can be broken done by Tax Code Groups. |
Terms Listing | All billing terms listed. |
Reports run in the Production Category contain information found in other categories, but most have all pricing information removed. This category is useful for customers or suppliers that request or require material totals, ticket amounts, or product usages for their organizations.
Report Name | Run To Review... |
Cash Sale Detail | Provides material pricing on cash sales with ticket information. |
Customer Contact Listing | All customer contact information. |
Order Summary | Orders, customers, ticket count, quantity, and last haul date. |
Product Listing | All products with their product code, categories, and assigned yards. |
Product Usage | Product usage during a set range from locations. |
Ticket Detail | Ticket details without material costs. |
Ticket Note Detail | Ticket details include note without material costs. |
Ticket Reprint | Ticket reprints by ticket report type. |
Ticket Reprint - Multi Product | Ticket reprints by multi-product ticket report type. |
Ticket Summary | Total tickets by date, order, number of products, and includes quantity of materials. |
Truck Production Detail | Ticket, order, product, and quantity by truck. |
Truck Production Summary | Ticket, order and material quantity by truck. |
Audit reports generate from the Audit Log. These reports will show changes to the " - Item" listing, the users who made them, and when. For example, the "Audit - Products" report will provide any changes within the selected date to the products available in Fast-Weigh.
Report Name | Run To Review... |
Audit - Billing | Batch/invoice related information. |
Audit - Cost Types | Creation or changes made to cost types. |
Audit - Customers | Addition, edit, or removal of customer information. |
Audit - Devices | Addition, edit, or removal of devices, or device information. |
Audit - Hauler Pay | Created or cleared hauler pay and associated batch. |
Audit - Haulers | Addition, edit, or removal of haulers or hauler information. |
Audit - Orders | Addition, edit, or removal of orders or order information. |
Audit - Products | Addition, edit, or removal of products or product information. |
Audit - Quotes | Addition, edit, or removal of quotes or quote information. |
Audit - Trucks | Addition, edit, or removal of trucks or truck information. |
Event Log - Billing Batches (Deprecated) | This report is deprecated and does not provide current information. |
Event Log - Hauler Pay (Deprecated) | This report is deprecated and does not provide current information. |
Event Log - Orders & Quotes (Deprecated) | This report is deprecated and does not provide current information. |
Invoice Rebill Review | Credit/Rebill summary with invoice and order information. |
Manual Ticket Entry Listing | Manual ticket entry and ticket info summary. |
Manual Weight Ticket Listing | Manual ticket weights and ticket info summary. |
Order Review Required | Orders marked with the "Review Required" check box. |
Re-Billing Pricing Verification | Prices on re-billed invoices and tickets. |
Ticket Date Audit | The time between tickets on trucks and orders. |
Ticket Revision Log | Revised tickets and the notes attached. |
Scheduled Reports
Scheduled Reports differ from our Default Reports in that they are delivered via email after a one-time setup. Of course, this information can be edited at anytime as needed. The information provided by the Scheduled Reports are looking for a specific period of data, whereas Default Reports are malleable and allow for parameters to be included or excluded.
Standard - Internal
Report Name | Run To Review... |
Adjustment Date Expiration Summary | Adjustments descriptions, rates, and active dates. |
AR Aging Summary by Location | Unpaid customer invoices by how long they have been outstanding by location. |
Customer Order Detail | Customer specific Orders with products. |
Customer Order Summary | Customer specific Orders. |
Customer Order Summary by Location | Customer specific orders per Region/Location. |
Freight Report | Freight amount per truck. |
Hauler Pay Detail | Detailed hauler pay rate by material units. |
Hauler Pay Summary | Hauler statements, averages, and payment totals. |
Inventory Usage by Date | Inventory usage between an entered date range. |
Invoice Rebill Review | Rebilled invoices and tickets. |
New Order-Product Listing | New products listed on existing orders |
Order Quantity Progress by Customer and Order | Current progress and remaining quantity of an order quantity being met. |
Pre-Billing Pricing Verification Detail | Prices per product prior to batching or invoicing. |
Pre-Billing Pricing Verification Summary | Prices per product prior to batching or invoicing. |
Product Usage Summary | Product usage details with pricing. |
Product Usage Summary (No Pricing) | Product usage details without. |
Product Usage Summary by Customer | Product usage details by customer with pricing. |
Product Usage Summary by Customer (No Pricing) | Product usage details by customer without pricing. |
Quote Summary by Salesperson and Customer | Quotes submitted, accepted, or rejected by Salesperson and Customer. |
Request Ticket Transaction Detail | Request generated ticket details. |
Ticket Summary by Salesperson | Tickets with associated salespeople. |
Ticket Transaction Detail | Ticket details with material amounts. |
Ticket Transaction Detail (with Prices) | Ticket details with material and prices. |
Voided Ticket Transaction Detail | Voided ticket details with material amounts. |
Standard - Customer
Scheduled reports are also available for Customers and Haulers and can be helpful to provide production information should that be requested.
Report Name | Run To Review... |
Load Out Report |
Order Quantity Progress by Order | Order quantity progress and remaining quantities. |
Product Usage Summary by Order | Products per order. |
Request Ticket Transaction Detail | Request generated ticket details. |
Ticket Transaction Detail | Ticket details with material amounts. |
Ticket Transaction Detail (no Voids) | Ticket details with material amounts without Voided tickets. |
Ticket Transaction Detail (with Prices) | Ticket details with material amounts without pricing. |
Ticket Transaction Detail by Order | Ticket details by order. |
Ticket Transaction Detail by Product | Ticket details by product. |
Standard - Hauler
Report Name | Run If You… |
Production Detail by Truck | Truck productivity and material amounts. |
Production Detail by Truck (with Pricing) | Truck productivity and material amounts with pricing. |
Request Ticket Transaction Detail | Request generated ticket details. |
Ticket Transaction Detail | Ticket details with material amounts. |
Last updated