Detailed information on the Assignment tab within the Trucks module
Here you are able to assign trucks to particular Orders and Order Products, and this makes it easier to ticket on this truck as the scale operators will only need to enter the Truck ID when ticketing on the assigned truck.
When you click on the Assignment tab you will see a table with all of your assignments listed, and you are able to Search or use the Filter Funnels to narrow your search to a specific assignment. You are able to clear an assignment by clicking the "X Clear" button in the assignment table.
Adding a New Assignment
To add a new assignment click the "+ New Assignment" button on the top right of the assignment table:
Once the new assignment window has popped up you may fill out the information for the truck assignment:
Region - The region the order and customer for the relevant product to be selected
Order - The order for the relevant customer and product to be selected
Product - The desired product you would like the truck to be assigned to
Once you have filled out the above fields you just need to check one or more trucks to be assigned to the order product, and once you click "Save" the truck(s) will now be assigned to a specific order product!
Assignment on Ticketing App
Here will just be a quick example of how the truck assignment translates to the Ticketing App, and how it will look to the scale operator ticketing the trucks.
Above is how the ticketing app appears before ticketing. The truck assignment cuts down on the time it takes to set up a ticket for a specific truck. Using the example in the previous image of the assignment table:
When ticketing on a specific truck that has been assigned to a product, the ticketing app will automatically fill out the Customer, Order, and Product fields so that the operator should only need to enter the weight of the truck.
The truck will remain assigned to the particular product until the assignment has been Cleared from the assignments page
Clearing an Assignment
To clear an assignment simply click the "X Clear" button in the assignment table on the assignment you wish to clear.
Click "Ok" on the pop-up and the assignment will be cleared, and once the Ticketing App has been synced the truck will no longer populate the Order, Customer, and Product automatically.
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