Accounting Periods

Page Overview

Columns and Filters

The information visible in this screen is as follows:

  • From Date: The starting date for this Accounting Period.

  • To Date: The ending date for this Accounting Period.

  • Edit/Delete: Edit or Delete the existing Accounting Period.

Since this information is specific for a date range, there is no title or description. However, you can filter and search for the time period by click the Search box, or the filer icon on the column.

Creating a New Accounting Period

To create a new Accounting Period, click the +New Accounting Period button.

In the new window you will prompted to enter the date range to being and end, then click Update.

Additional Information

  • A batch cannot be created when its invoice date falls within a closed period.

  • Batches/Invoices with an invoice date within a closed period cannot be cleared.

  • Tickets cannot be removed from an invoice dated within a closed period.

  • Credit/Rebill cannot be completed for an invoice when the invoice date of the Credit/Rebill is within a closed period.

Last updated
