Detailed information on the In-Yard tab of the Load-Out module.
Here you are able to see a table view with all of the trucks that are currently In-Yard. You will see the Truck ID, Hauler, Beacon ID (if applicable), when the truck entered the yard, when the truck was loaded, how many minutes in yard, order details if the truck is assigned to an order, and the Loader ID.

Applying Filters

Region - Drop-down menu for Region selection
Location - Drop-down menu for Location selection, a Region must be selected for this menu to populate

You can utilize the filter funnels at the top of the table to narrow down your search further.
Below is an outline of each item on the table:
Truck ID - The ID of the truck
Hauler - The hauler the truck is associated with
Beacon ID - I don't remember what the specific hardware is called for this
Entered - When the truck has entered the yard
Loaded - When the truck was loaded in the yard
Minutes - How many minutes that the truck has been in the yard
Order #- The order number assigned to the truck
Order Description - The description/title of the order assigned to the truck
Customer - The customer associated with the assigned order
Product - The product that has been assigned to the truck
Loader ID - The ID associated with the loader that loaded the truck
You may also remove any trucks from In-Yard by clicking the button.
Last updated