The Trucks page provides information about the trucks and associated haulers of your Fast-Weigh application.
Columns and Filters
The columns and filters allow easy searching and sorting when looking for specific information related to the trucks and haulers. Searching for active or inactive trucks is simplified by selecting the status from the drop down. Searching a specific truck is simplified by clicking the Hauler bar and selecting from a list of all Haulers, while the Search bar allows you to enter contextual information you may have, like the Truck ID or Order Assignment. Below is a list of the columns and he information they contain:
Truck ID: The Trucks alphanumeric identifier
Hauler ID: The Haulers alphanumeric identifier
Hauler Name: The Hauler or Driver name.
Tare Weight: The recorded tare weight.
Last Tare: The date of the last recorded tare.
Order Assignment: The specific order assigned to this Hauler.
Product Assignment: The specific product assigned to this Hauler.
Driver: The Drivers name
License #: The trucks license plate number,
RFID/BLE: The RFID associated with the Hauler or Truck
Truck Type: The truck type associated with the Hauler or Truck.
Weight Capacity: The max weight the truck can carry.
The last column allows for administrators to set the truck to Inactive directly in the application.
Adding a new Hauler and Truck can be completed in the app. Since the app is browser-based, selecting the Add Hauler option will redirect you to the Web Portal to set up the Hauler, which can be reviewed in this article. Once the Hauler has been created, you can associate a New Truck in the Fast-Weigh app.
To begin adding a new truck, click the +New Truck button.
The first fields required are for the Truck ID and Hauler. The Truck ID with be the shorthand identifier for the truck, while the Hauler will open a selection window to choose the associated Hauler.
Then, you will enter the Tare Weight of the truck, either manually or with the weight provided by the scale.
The Truck In-Yard status can be set and assigned to a location, customer, order, and product.
The Truck can be assigned to specific customer, order, or product as well.
The Truck Details allows you to enter the truck information, set the truck to active, and enable the truck for Dispatching. This information is optional, but should be entered as accurate as possible.
When finished, click Create Truck. This will save the truck and associated Hauler to Fast-Weigh.
To edit a truck, enter the Truck or Hauler ID, and click on the truck in the table.
The Edit screen is similar to the New Truck screen, allowing you to edit information as needed that may have been missed or needs to be updated. When you have finished editing the truck information, click the Save All Changes Button.