Pricing Templates are what drive your default pricing when adding products to an Order. You can create as many of these as needed.
Navigate to "Resources" > "Products" > "Products & Pricing"
Click on the [+ Add Template] button
This will add a new line to the Pricing Template table where you can enter in the Template Name
After adding a name, click the [✓] button to save the new Template
Select the Template Name from the table (it will be highlighted in teal with white text)
Click [✓ Set Default]
The Default Template will always be highlighted in green
You can manage your entire customer list from the Customers section of the Web Portal. This includes full contact information, payment terms, pricing level, and credit status.
Navigate to "Resources" > "Customers"
Click the [+ Customer] button
The minimum required fields to add a Customer are Customer ID and Customer Name
Click [Save]
You have successfully made a customer in Fast-Weigh! To see a full breakdown of each field on Customers, see: If you're looking to import External Customers into Fast-Weigh, see:
You can create multiple logins to your Web Portal so that different parts of your organization can access the data they need. User Administration is only available to Users with the Admin Role.
Navigate to "Settings" > "User Administration"
Click the [+ New User] button
Create a User ID and add the users email (We generally recommend using your email as your User ID)
Enter a Password or leave the Password field blank to automatically send the new user a "set password" email
Choose a Role for the user
For a full list of user roles and how they work, see [user roles page]
Click [✓Update]
Define all tax codes used within your company’s various locations. Tax codes should correspond with those set up in your third-party accounting system.
Navigate to "Resources" > "Billing" > "Tax Codes"
Click the [+ New Tax Code] button
Add a Code and a Description
Enter the tax percent in the appropriate field
Tax percentage must be entered as a decimal. For example: A tax percentage of 8.25% would be entered as 0.0825.
If your accounting software utilizes GL, you can add a GL Account as well
Click [✓Update]
With the Fast-Weigh AR & Payments module, you can handle invoice payments directly through the Fast-Weigh Web Portal via Cash, Credit, or ACH.
Tickets must be on an invoice in order to collect a payment. This article covers adding tickets to an invoice from the New Payment screen first. If your tickets are already on an invoice, skip to step to the next section (How to Create a New Payment)
Navigate to "Billing" > "New Payment"
Navigate to the Tickets tab
Select the Region and Customer, then click [Refresh]
Select the tickets you want to invoice. Ensure the invoice distribution and invoice date are correct, then click [Create Invoice]
This will automatically navigate to the Invoices tab and select the invoice(s) generated
If you don't already have the invoice(s) selected. Select the Region and Customer, then click [Refresh] and select the invoice(s)
Select the Payment Method being used, ensure that the amount is correct and click the [Create Payment] button
The Hauler Pay module allows you to organize groups of tickets into batches for invoicing a Hauler, much like the Billing module, based on Hauler Pay rates set for orders.
Hauler Pay Statements are generated from invoices.
See: Creating Invoices
Navigate to "Hauler Pay" > "Statements"
Select all the parameters that contain the tickets that need to be billed and click [Query]
Type in a Batch # and select the appropriate Payment Date and GL Date (if applicable)
The tickets will be removed from the New Payment tab and placed inside a batch in the Payment History section
Fast-Weigh has a 3-tier operating location structure: Regions, Locations, and Yards. This allows flexibility for companies of all sizes to manage their production.
Fast-Weigh has a 3-tier operating location structure: Regions, Locations, and Yards. This allows flexibility for companies of all sizes to manage their production.
Navigate to "Resources" > "Locations"
Click the [+New Yard] button
The minimum required fields to add a new yard are Name and Description
Click [✓Update]
Before new Trucks can be added to your Fast-Weigh system, you must have one or more Haulers. In most cases, the Hauler is a carrier, trucking company, or customer who owns the truck.
Ticketing cannot be done until there is an Order in the system to ticket for. Before an Order can be complete, it must have at least one Product added to it or be marked as Open.
Navigate to "Orders" > "Orders"
Click the [+New Order] button
The minimum required fields to add a new order are Region, Description and Customer
Click [Save]
A product must be added to an order before it can be ticketed on. The order can also be set to Open by checking the Open Order box if you would like to be able add products in the Desktop Ticketing Application.
Click the [+Add Single Product] button on the order
The minimum required fields to add a new product are Location, Yard, Product and Unit Price
Click [✓Update]
Click the [+Add Multiple Products] button on the order
Select any of the provided parameters to filter results and click the [Refresh] button
Select the products using the checkboxes next to them
The Use Template Pricing checkbox will apply template pricing to all selected products
Click [Save]
Your Products will be the material selected when ticketing. You can create an unlimited number of Products and assign them to your Locations and Orders, as needed.
Navigate to "Resources" > "Products" > "Products & Pricing"
Navigate to the Product Setup
Click the [+New Product] button
The minimum required fields to add a new product are Product ID, Description and Unit
Click [✓Update]
After a product has been created, it will need to be assigned to a location. This will be where you will be ticketing the Products.
Select the product you just created and click the [+Add Location] button in the middle tab
The minimum required fields are Region, Location, and Yard
The product must be added to the location it is being ticketed out of. Mutiple locations can be added to the same product and vice versa
Click [✓Update]
Once the Product Location is set up, make sure to set up default pricing for the product
Fast-Weigh has a 3-tier operating location structure: Regions, Locations, and Yards. This allows flexibility for companies of all sizes to manage their production.
Fast-Weigh features a flexible billing system that integrates with third-party accounting systems. This section allows you to organize groups of tickets into batches for invoicing a customer.
Navigate to "Billing" > "Billing"
Select all the parameters that contain the tickets that need to be billed and click [Query]
Review tickets that are selected to ensure that they are ready to be billed
Type in a Batch # and select the appropriate Invoice Date and GL Date (if applicable)
Click [✓Assign]
Fast-Weigh automatically breaks out invoices within a batch based off your "Invoice Break" configuration. This can be edited under Billing Settings from the Portal Settings
Set up your payment terms and billing modes. These terms and codes should be set up in conjunction with your Accounts Receivable Terms Codes.
Navigate to "Resources" > "Billing" > "Pay Terms"
Click the [+ New Terms] button
Add one-character Code, a Description and the number of days for the term
Click [✓Update]
Navigate to "Resources" > "Billing" > "Pay Terms"
Click the [+ New Billing Mode] button
Add one-character Code and a Description
Once Terms and Billing modes are set up, go to "Resources" > "Customers" to assign these to your customers.
Adding a particular billing mode to a customer profile allows you to select tickets for billing based on the customer’s assigned method.