The following articles contain reference material for the new Fast-Weigh application, including first time setup, menu explanations, and links to other important articles to efficiently utilize Fast-Weigh.
For assistance using the Fast-Weigh application, please contact the support team by phone at 865-219-2980 or email at support@tacinsight.com.
The Trucks page provides information about the trucks and associated haulers of your Fast-Weigh application.
Columns and Filters
The columns and filters allow easy searching and sorting when looking for specific information related to the trucks and haulers. Searching for active or inactive trucks is simplified by selecting the status from the drop down. Searching a specific truck is simplified by clicking the Hauler bar and selecting from a list of all Haulers, while the Search bar allows you to enter contextual information you may have, like the Truck ID or Order Assignment. Below is a list of the columns and he information they contain:
Truck ID: The Trucks alphanumeric identifier
Hauler ID: The Haulers alphanumeric identifier
Hauler Name: The Hauler or Driver name.
Tare Weight: The recorded tare weight.
Last Tare: The date of the last recorded tare.
Order Assignment: The specific order assigned to this Hauler.
Product Assignment: The specific product assigned to this Hauler.
Driver: The Drivers name
License #: The trucks license plate number,
RFID/BLE: The RFID associated with the Hauler or Truck
Truck Type: The truck type associated with the Hauler or Truck.
Weight Capacity: The max weight the truck can carry.
The last column allows for administrators to set the truck to Inactive directly in the application.
Adding a new Hauler and Truck can be completed in the app. Since the app is browser-based, selecting the Add Hauler option will redirect you to the Web Portal to set up the Hauler, which can be reviewed in this article. Once the Hauler has been created, you can associate a New Truck in the Fast-Weigh app.
To begin adding a new truck, click the +New Truck button.
The first fields required are for the Truck ID and Hauler. The Truck ID with be the shorthand identifier for the truck, while the Hauler will open a selection window to choose the associated Hauler.
Then, you will enter the Tare Weight of the truck, either manually or with the weight provided by the scale.
The Truck In-Yard status can be set and assigned to a location, customer, order, and product.
The Truck can be assigned to specific customer, order, or product as well.
The Truck Details allows you to enter the truck information, set the truck to active, and enable the truck for Dispatching. This information is optional, but should be entered as accurate as possible.
When finished, click Create Truck. This will save the truck and associated Hauler to Fast-Weigh.
To edit a truck, enter the Truck or Hauler ID, and click on the truck in the table.
The Edit screen is similar to the New Truck screen, allowing you to edit information as needed that may have been missed or needs to be updated. When you have finished editing the truck information, click the Save All Changes Button.
After downloading your application and setting up your lane, you will need to login to the new application using the User ID and Password used to to log in to the Fast-Weigh Web Portal.
Since the new application is browser based, you will not see the application available on the taskbar. However, you will see the it as a task in the system tray.
On your first login, you will be prompted with a welcome message and directed to the User Settings page to set your local PIN.
In the User Settings, you have the option of setting your PIN/Password. This allows you to login quicker to the Fast-Weigh application without using a two-factor authentication option, as well as allowing offline use.
The Server Settings allow you to assign and manage devices for each lane, apply server and application updates, update your available reports, and manage your current ticket numbers between lanes.
If you do not see the information you are expecting after clicking the Last Sync icon, clicking Full Sync will update information from the Web Portal.
To update your app, click the "Check for updates" icon. This will check the Fast-Weigh server for updated versions. It is best practice to ensure that your target version is set correctly in the Web Portal, and keep your application up to date to reflect any changes, patches, and bug fixes. When an update is available, there will be an additional icon to apply the latest update after checking. There will also be a notification in the left menu under the Fast-Weigh logo, informing you of an available update.
While you can use Lanes to begin ticketing, you may have devices you need to add and associate before doing so. This section covers adding, testing, and assigning devices to your Lanes.
When setting up new devices, please contact the Fast-Weigh Support team by phone at 865-219-2980 or support@tacinsight.com for assistance.
IP Camera: A network camera to provide monitoring of lanes
IP Scale: A scale connected to Fast-Weigh IP address.
LPR Camera: A specific camera designed for license plate capture.
Printer: Any standard office printer connected and recognized by your operating system.
RFID: RFID readers for a one-tap solution.
Serial Scale: A standard serial-to-USB scale connection.
Traffic Light: An indicator light used for remote direction of trucks at locations.
When adding a new device to use in Fast-Weigh, you will need to enter key information. The required fields are notated with a red asterisk, but it is best practice to fill out as much optional information as possible for easy reference when assigning.
When adding printers to Fast-Weigh, ensure they first display as devices recognized by your operating system. Printers cannot be managed through the Fast-Weigh application, and will only utilize printers that are made available by your operating system.
Windows: Click the Windows icon, then type 'Printers & Scanners', select the first matching result, and review the available devices.
macOS: Click the Apple menu icon, then 'System Preferences...' then select or search 'Printers & Scanners', and review the available devices.
If you do not see the intended device, you will need to contact your IT team to determine the correct printer, or assist with this step.
To ensure that your devices are working properly, there is a column available for easy testing of each device, with an icon available for easy association.
In the above image, you can easily tell that there is a traffic light, camera, and scale added to be used with Fast-Weigh. Clicking any of these icons allows for a quick test, allowing you to test each light, camera image, and scale with ease. Below are some examples.
When testing a scale, you have the option of starting and stopping the test, while the weight is displayed in the column to the left. When setting up the scale for the first time, some adjustments of settings may be needed. Testing the scale in Fast-Weigh for an accurate reading is simplified here.
Removing devices is simplified by an associated delete icon for each device. Simply click the icon to remove the device.
After adding the devices needed for each location, you will need to assign devices specific to each Lane.
In the example above, each lane has static information displaying the Region, Location, and Lane. The following options are drop down menus, allowing you to assign the devices that have been added to Fast-Weigh:
Scale: The serial or IP scale used for the lane.
Camera: Camera used for lane monitoring and image capture.
Light: The traffic light used for the lane.
Auto ID: The LPR Camera or RFID reader assigned to the lane.
Available Printers: The printers recognized by your operating system and added to Fast-Weigh.
Since there are two options available to print, multiple printers can be selected for use after being added to Fast-Weigh.
Ticket Printer: The printer used for ticketing.
Cash Printer: The printer used for ___
Once the devices have been added to Fast-Weigh, you will need to select the available devices from the drop-down menu for each lane. You will receive a message at the top of your screen when a device has been added to a lane.
Provides a full breakdown of the Server Settings page.
The Server Settings allow configuration between your locations, the current ticket count for each scale location, and the devices connected to them, from one menu.
After setting up the Sync Config with the needed Lanes, you can manage the associated devices in the app.
Region: The assigned Region.
Location: The assigned Location.
Lane: The related Lane.
The following Device types are available to be configured between Lanes. The devices will need to be added to Fast-Weigh at the bottom section of the Server Settings before they can be applied to each lane.
Scale: The scale used for this lane.
Camera: The primary camera used to monitor this lane.
Light: The associated light for this lane.
Auto ID: Used to identify the LRP camera or RFID reader associated with this lane.
Available Printers: The available printers that can be used with Fast-Weigh. This information is made available by the printers recognized or installed on your operating system.
Ticket Printer: The printer that tickets will print from for this lane.
Cash Printer: The printer used for cash sales for this lane.
When using multiple lanes between regions, locations, and yards, you have the ability to set the ticket sequences between lanes. Having visibility between lanes allows for easy application to avoid crossover or duplication.
The manage devices section also the addition of multiple device types for your lanes. Individual cameras, scales, printers, and more will need to be added here before they can be applied to lanes. Clicking the +Add Device button, which will provide a new popup window, allowing you to select a device type. For a full review of adding and managing devices, please view this article.
After selecting the device, you will enter the information for the related device, and then click the Add button. See below for an example for adding and testing an IP Camera.
Devices can easily be sorted by searching for a specific device or by clicking the column names, as well as tested from this section.
After your devices have been added, you can assign them to each lane as needed.
Information on logging into the new ticketing app and setting up your devices for use with ticketing.
Once you have clicked the new ticketing app icon you will notice that it opens a webpage "localhost:5001/login". You will now be ticketing out of this webpage rather than an application local to your computer.
You will utilize the same credentials used to log in to the web portal to log into the new ticketing app.
Once you have logged in you will be taken to the Dashboard. For more information on each of the sections of the new application, navigate to the Application section of the knowledge base.
We recommend setting a PIN once you have logged in so that you may utilize offline ticketing if the need arises. Go to User Settings in the bottom left of the screen, and this will take you to the screen to set your pin.
Once your PIN has been set, you will utilize this PIN rather than your password to login.
After logging in and setting your PIN, you'll want to setup all relevant devices that you will be using with Fast-Weigh. Navigate to the Server Settings tab to begin setting up your devices.
This page is the hub for all of your devices that you will use with Fast-Weigh. You can add any of the devices you used with the previous Fast-Weigh application at this screen such as cameras, scales, traffic lights, and printers.
To add a device click the "+ Add device" button next to Manage devices. This will open an Add Device pop-up window.
Device Type - Select the type of device you would like to add. Can be IP Camera, IP Scale, LPR Camera, Printer, Serial Scale, or Traffic Light.
Name - Give your device an appropriate name
The fields following Name will change depending on the Device Type that is selected. For this example we will setup a Printer.
Select Printer as the device type, and then select the desired printer from the OS Printer: dropdown menu. You may also set any number of copies to print depending on your company's needs.
Now that you have the printer added, you have to set the printer for your lane. On the Server Settings page at the top you will see Manage Lanes, here you will see your lane where you can attach your added devices.
To attach the previously added printer you will click the printer button below Available Printers and then select the printer you added. Then you can set this printer to be your Ticket Printer and Cash Printer.
To see how to add other types of devices navigate to the Manage Devices page of the Knowledge Base.
You have now successfully setup your new Fast-Weigh ticketing application. If you need any assistance with any part of this process feel free to contact us at 865-219-2980 or by email at support@tacinsight.com.
The Orders tab allows you to view and manage orders in Fast-Weigh.
Columns and Filters
The Orders tab offers a refined menu, providing easy visibility when toggling between active and inactive orders. The Orders tab is organized by the Order # by default, but can be searched by entering any associated order information, such as the description or customer name or by adjusting the columns. The columns available follow:
Order #: The Order number generated by Fast-Weigh upon entry in the Web Portal
Customer ID: The Customer ID
Customer: The full Customer name.
Description: The order description entered in the Web Portal.
Pay Type: The type of charge accepted for this order, either Cash, Charge, Credit, or Check.
Direction: The direction of the order, either Inbound or Outbound.
Default Job: The associated job information.
PO Number: The PO number, if entered on the Order in the Web Portal.
Clicking on an order will redirect you to the Order edit screen in the Web portal.
Product: The product chosen for the order, as listed in the Product Setup.
Location: The location associated with the product.
Yard: The Yard the product is available to pick from.
Description: The pricing description for this product.
Unit: The unit of measurement set in the Product Setup.
Tax Code: The Tax Code applied to this product.
Status: If the product is available to select when ticketing.
The Requests page displays related information when using the Dispatch module.
Columns and Filter
Order #: The associated order number for the request.
Customer: The customer associated with the order.
Product: The product selected.
Request Info: Manual input information for easy identification of the request.
Ref #: Manual input of numerical identification.
Requested: Requested volume or load quantity of product.
Fulfilled: The amount of units or loads delivered.
Remaining: The amount of units or loads remaining to be delivered.
Haulers: The amount of haulers currently assigned to complete this request.
Status: The status or the request, either Open, On Hold, Pending, or Closed.
To view the request details in the Fast-Weigh app, simply click on the order listed which will provide additional information related to the order requested.
The Dashboard provides information about your Fast-Weigh at a glance.
Contained in the Dashboard is information about your Fast-Weigh application, including release notes as they become available or when an update is applied by your Fast-Weigh administrator.
Setting a date range allows for quick review of tickets generated, total net of product ticketed, active customers, orders, and trucks.
The payments menu item allows for direct payment to be taken from the app. Clicking this menu item will redirect to the Web Portals Payments screen, as long as the Web Portal has the Billing/AR module enabled. To review, please refer to this article for .
The Customers tab allows you to view information related to the Customers set up in the Web Portal.
The information contained in this screen cannot be edited in the application. The Customers visible can be filtered by Region or searched using key information related to the customer, such as their ID, name, or other contact information.
This will also allow you to view their Credit Status, which shows if the customer is able to be ticketed on in Fast-Weigh.
Information for setting up the new Fast-Weigh Application
To begin setting up your new Fast-Weigh application you will first need to create a Sync Config. Think of this as your new "Devices" page, as this is where you will set up what kind of device will be used and at which location. There are new components to setting up your Sync Config(Devices) and that will be outlined below.
Type - Set what kind of device is going to be utilized. Defaults to Scale House.
Name: Set the name of device. Ex. Knoxville Scale house
Locations: Set the location of the device
Barcode Formats: I'm not too sure what this is used for at the moment
Ticket Break: Important for multi-location ticketing
Target Server Version: Set server version, will generally always be the most up-to-date server version
Target UI Version: Set UI version, will generally always be the most up-to-date UI version
Target Kiosk Server Version: Set Kiosk server version, will generally always be the most up-to-date kiosk server version
Active: Ensure this is checked so that you can utilize the created Sync Config
Once you click "Update" you should see your newly created Sync Config in the table. This will now allow you to download the appropriate version of the new application, as well as create Lanes to be used when ticketing. Your table will populate an API Key that you will need to utilize when logging into the new application as well.
We recommend setting up your Lanes before installing the application
Once the Sync Config has been created the table should appear like the one above, and you should be able to click the magnifying glass in the Lanes column to be able create your Lanes.
Clicking the magnifying glass will open up the Lane Setup window, then click "+ New Lane to create your Lane.
Here you will fill out the relevant information for the Lane you would like to create.
Location: The location the lane will be utilized, which is limited by the location set when setting up your Sync Config.
Name: An appropriate name for the Lane. Ex. Knoxville Outbound Scale
Ticket Report: This is the Ticket Format your tickets will print on, this was originally set in the Ticketing App
Tare Report: This is the Tare Ticket Format you will print if you are taring trucks as they enter the yard
Allow Manual Weight: Enable this to be able to enter weights manually, this was enabled or disabled within the Ticketing App previously
Manual Weight Unit: Set the weight unit for when entering weights manually, can be either Pounds or Tons
Once you click "Update" you have finished setting up your Sync Config and Lane, and you are now ready to download and install the new application.
Now that some of the initial setup is complete, you should download the new application from within the Sync Configs screen in the Web Portal.
Once you click the download button you should be able to run the installer by checking your downloads in your web browser:
Or you can run the installer from your system files by navigating to Downloads:
First select a language:
Next go through the Setup Wizard. When prompted to "Open Port on Firewall" select Yes.
We recommend selecting Yes unless you have strict network security policies. This setting can be changed later if you select No.
Next you will enter your Sync Config Key. Copy and past the API Key that was created when you finished setting you up your Sync Config.
After entering your Sync Config Key/API Key in you will be asked to select the UI Mode your device will be using.
You are able to select between Ticket, Kiosk, or Both.
Ticketing: Used when utilizing the Desktop Ticketing App on a scale house computer.
Kiosk: This is for a kiosk that would have normally been utilizing Driver Kiosk Mode or for one of the Teguar Kiosks.
Both: This will allow the device to be utilized as both the Ticketing app and the Kiosk mode
Finally, you will be asked to create desktop icons.
We recommend select Yes to mitigate any potential confusion, and this icon will serve as the replacement for the legacy Ticketing App icon.
Once you click Next after the Desktop Icon screen you will begin your installation of the new Fast-Weigh Ticketing App. You will be prompted to click Finish once this installation is complete.
The new app icon looks just like the old app icon, but you will notice that it is an internet shortcut. This will open a window or tab in your web browser where you will be ticketing now, as well as have more visibility on other items you would normally interface with in the Web Portal.
The History menu contains the Ticket History, which can be refined to view per lane, or searched by customer, order #, product, and more.
Columns and Filters
The information present on the Ticket History screen is made available through ticketing with the columns below. Any related information can be entered into the search bar, and the date range selected to refine and narrow the expected results.
Ticket #: The ticket number generated by Fast-Weigh.
Date/Time: The date and time the ticket was created.
Net: The Net weight of the ticket.
Truck: The Truck ID that was used.
Hauler: The Hauler associated with the truck.
Customer: The Customer associated with the Order.
Order #: The associated Order # from the Order creation.
Product: The product selected for the ticket or from the associated order.
Lane: The lane that this order and product was ticketed.
Notes: Manual notes entered for this ticket.
Image: An image, if available, of the truck on the scale, view of the product, etc.
Signature: The signature of the scale house operator.
The remaining columns allow for reprinting, saving, and voiding previous tickets from the history, which are covered below.
The information presented in the history can be expanded by selected a ticket from the menu. The additional information will display in a new popup window.
This can be helpful when reviewing tickets for potential errors, corrections, or duplications.
There are two locations to sync your app to reflect information and settings applied in the Web Portal. In the lower left corner, the Last Sync is displayed, in addition to the User Interface and Server Versions, which is available throughout the app at all times. At the top of the screen is the Full Sync button, which is only present in this menu.
If a new order is needed, clicking on the icon will redirect you to the Web Portal to create a new order. For a guide on creating a new order, refer to this article on that process.
To review the products available on an order, click the button. The lower half of the Orders screen will then display the product information for the associated order with the following columns:
The Requests tab provides information on pick up or delivery requests made using the module. These requests are defaulted to display based on Order #, but can be refined through selecting information from the drop down menus, searching order information or sorting the column titles. The information contained in the columns are:
Once you have clicked the icon and it has opened a window or tab in your web browser you will be able to .
Save and printing tickets have been contained to a single column titled "PDF," and allows for quick saving and reprinting of tickets in the history. Clicking the icon will save the ticket to your browsers download folder. In some browsers, this may automatically open a new tab with the PDF of the ticket visible. Clicking the icon will provide a print preview, and allow you to select a printer destination. This printer should be available in the Server Settings when adding devices to a lane.
To void a ticket directly from the application, simply click the in the Void column. You will be prompted to enter a reason, and have the option to Void the ticket entirely, or Void and Correct.
Add a Feature Flag to allow printing an incomplete pending ticket from the right sidebar. The ticket format must be configured to support this!
Fix Lane Overrides not applying consistently
Fix trucks with a saved tare of 0 not being "invalid" if the hauler doesn't have "Days Tare Valid" set
Fix manual weight set to true when the lane "Check-In" button is used, even though no weights captured
Fix auto-focus on manual weight input instead of truck input in the lane when logged in as a normal user (this should only happen on the kiosk now)
Fix incorrect "Entered Date Time" when updating or finalizing a pending ticket on the kiosk
Add "reset" button when kiosk gets set to a bad state and the lane screen is blank
User Roles
Update "Data Entry" role with new permissions (add Payments permission)
Add order quantity amount exceeded to the warning/error
Enable "Repeat Last", "Tare", and "Assign" buttons for pending tickets
Re-order "Check-In" and "Create Ticket" so "Check-In" is first on the landing screen
Server Settings
Add "lane settings" Similar to "Overrides", but set for a specific lane instead of set globally with exceptions
This is behind a Feature Flag
Add yard(s) filter override to lane settings
Enabling this lane override and setting 1 or more yards will filter the data in the lane to only those yards
This is behind a Feature Flag
Filter request search by location and yardKeys on orderProduct or requestHauler orderProduct
Do not overwrite ticket ManualWeight with false if it is already true in the pending ticket
Fix clearing truck doesn't always clear pendingTicketId
Right Sidebar
Fix searching Ticket History by order
Add repeat last button to check in mode
Fix non-ton UoM breaking check-in tare
Add request status column to the grid
Fix table filter funnels not working as expected
Do not cache UI pages
Auto-reload the page after a UI update
Move kiosk toggles to a new right-side menu.
Add incremental sync button to right-side menu.
Add weight breakdown popover.
Show "Accept" button for pending tickets to use stored weight or overwrite it.
For manual weights, backspacing reverts to pending weight.
Check and correct optional keys (haul zone, tax code) during lane form population.
Clear optional keys when changing or clearing request, order, or customer.
Warn when net tons/tonnes is 0.
Remove pending ticket ID when finalized or deleted to avoid errors.
System of Measurement
Support portal "Use Metric" Manual Weight Units in calculations.
Weights & Units
Restrict manual weight entry if manual weights are disabled and no scale exists.
Update weight calculation method for better maintenance.
Various fixes applied.
Fixed Issues Errors/warnings not updating with new weight for pending tickets.
Total split weight net not converting correctly for ton-conversion products.
Inability to split weights for pending tickets.
Pending tickets with saved net and ton conversion being converted twice.
Net weight scales/manual input entered as gross.
Inbound tickets with ton-conversion not showing converted gross in non
Debug Mode
Add primary keys to UI grids.
Add missing fields and tables.
Update "stash" wording to "create pending".
Audio Alerts
Fix "NotAllowedError: play()" uncaught error
Server Settings
Add "Tagmaster Keep Alive" toggle to LPR Camera and IP
Prompt for PIN if user logs in and hasn't set one yet
Fix issues with stashing non-ton unit of measure tickets
Fix open orders with no products not showing as available
Add error message for exceeding max weights on create ticket
Add Third Party APIs and state recovery
Debug Mode
Remove Haul Zone Location Display to support server version 5.0.28
Keyboard Wedge
Increase scan time per key default and add override for custom scan time
App Layout
Fix Server Update Available Button causing horizontal scrollbar
Fix Loading pending ticket in lane does not populate Customer
Lane Route
Filter out orders where all products are assigned to a different hauler
Server Settings
Add auto-update time
Make inline search placeholder more prominent
Unsynced Records
Mark removed pending ticket as a pending ticket in grid
Pending Ticket
Target weight should be stored in tons
Lane State
Rates from kiosk shared state not parsing as Decimal type
Trucks Add/Edit
Fix error on initializing the trucks add/edit page
Fix error saving truck when a date field that previously had a
User Settings
Fix ZOD layout undefined error
Cleanup remaining "in-yard" references that should be "pending"
Kiosk Layout
Fix the theme button icon not showing when the theme is set to use the browser's default
Unsynced Records
Fix various issues with tickets/pending tickets not returning in unsynced records grid or not being able to clear the errors and sync the ticket
Lane Route
Update "Require a New Tare for Certified Order" override to include inbound orders
Add "Truck Specific Requests" override to filter requests by requestTruck if there is one otherwise by requestHauler
Update Request search fields to add "Customer Name" and "Product Description"
Server Update
Fix server update erroring too early
Auto ID Auto Add Truck
Update Auto-Add truck to only add a new truck if the LPR reading is 5 or more characters
Keyboard Wedge
Fix keyboard wedge scanner always being enabled if one or more are set up as devices
Kiosk Ticket History
Fix query error when the operator name is not a kiosk GUID
Pending Grid
Fix undefined hauler in the pending grid showing as "undefined" instead of blank
User Settings
Add UI Themes
Lane Route
Add Driver/Default Driver to truck search by
Fix default ticket note by truck filling on every ticket
Do not rely on isRateLocked to check for custom ticket rates
Fix Hauler not setting/cleared properly
Do not try to scan if no keyboard wedge is configured
Fix UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: TypeError: Failed to fetch
update add truck button target
Updated third-party API integrations for silo loadout controllers
silo state management update
add override to require new tare on every load for certified orders
Feature Flags
Evaluate feature flags that can be globally enabled
Lane Route
AutoId auto-add trucks improvements & kiosk fxes
Add save truck tare on finalize inbound to kiosk route
Keyboard Wedge
Disable scanner if no keyboard wedge is configured for the lane, remove error log
Lane Route
remember the last selected kiosk
Pending ticket error handler fixes
add ticket note "default by" fields
multiproduct ticket pricing fixes
auto-add missing auto id trucks
save truck tare when finalizing inbound pending ticket with a new tare
hide create & pay button for start of inbound pending ticket
compare calendar days for tare validation
add override to hide "Add Product from Template"
Server Settings
implement serial port queue mutations
Keyboard Wedge
handle "barcode formats"
support non-configurable prox card readers
AG Grid
add detailed filters
Lane Route
custom ticket rates
add fob flag to trucks box
simplify lane screen
Allow select hauler before truck
Fix AutoId Issues
Disable Stash on multiproduct tickets
Calculate cash on pending ticket
Stashed tickets change from tons to pounds
default and order udfs should not override stashed tickets udfs
Fix Hauler Picker
Convert in yard grid to pending grid
Right Sidebar
Merge pending and in yard sidebars
Re update sidebar cards again to make truck prominent
Update create ticket button verbiage
clear autoid cache when a ticket added event is received
fix warnings and errors
fix pending ticket warnings
Fix selected printer is overwritten when selecting a sidebar card
Fix 2 step inbound bug
Fix multiproduct state
Ticket Reprint
allow reprinting a ticket with no PDF
Unsynced Records
Fix uncaught error
update trucks & inYard to support pending tickets
support default driver key
Support Pending Tickets
Custom Keyboard
Fix & key not working
Customizable search fields in search pop-up
Server Settings
Added lane "ticket turn around time" feature flag and override
Added override to only print tare report for certified orders
Added support for "print to pdf" printers
User Settings
Added Audio Alerts in User Settings
Added French translations
Added language switcher to kiosk
Added portal reports redirect button
Added support/KB redirect buttons
clear UDFs in certain scenarios
Portal Redirects
Issued a fix for redirects to the Web Portal throwing errors or taking the user to the Login page
Issued a fix for Hauler-Customer assignments not filtering properly in some lists
Issued a fix for notifications not being dismissed in certain cases while
Add setting/override to prevent ticketing for trucks with expired tare weights, licenses, insurance, and hauler insurance
Enable cash calculations for Hourly unit of measure
Fixed cash Ref not pulling in on "Repeat Last"
Fixed order quantity errors/warnings
Fixed hauler-based filters being ignored on lane auto-fill
Fixed enter/esc keyboard interactions in clickable toasts
Add Ship-Tos to "Additional Fields"
Add "Driver Select Truck" and "Driver Select Order" settings
Add "Repeat Last" and "Reprint Last" settings
Add "Help" button & operator alert
Added 3rd party schemas
Add Truck Assignments grid
Trucks Add/Edit
Fixed hauler-based filters not taking additional/all haulers into account
Fixed cannot read properties of null error on CustomerKey
Fixed an issue with date/time queries not respecting the current timezone.
Changed the logic to set when a Full Sync is required to use the "FullSyncNeeded" server event instead of "IncrementalSync" or "FullSync" server event errors.
Fixed an issue with weight-based warnings and errors in the lane route when using split weights.
Fixed an issue with quick-adding a ship-to from the lane route if you did not change the "type".
Unsynced Records
Added ship-tos to the unsynced records page.
Added on-screen signature capture to the Kiosk lane.
Added a "Reprint Last" button to the Kiosk lane when in "single permission" mode.
Error Reporting
Skip error reporting when the error is from "resizeObserver" undelivered notifications.
Hotkey shortcut helper list
Lane Route:
Clear form when using autoID when a different user creates the ticket for the truck
Replace ReadOnly route and AutoComplete ticket created notification logic by ticket count with TicketAdded event
Server Settings:
Fix scale and printer inline editor in External Devices Grid
Trucks Add/Edit:
Add error handler for character limits for max weight, max volume, and target weight
Error Handling:
Add error handler for failed image capture
Added error handler for "Failed to dynamically fetch module" error
Kiosk Check-In:
Update check-in button to reflect the action being performed when only 1 or 2 actions can be performed at a time
Added App Defaults
Allow multi-step inbound order ticketing on kiosk
Allow pending inbound tickets based on setting
re-add create ticket errors when inbound pending disabled,
User Settings
Add user image
Multiproduct ticketing bug fixes
Add address auto-complete
Fix scale not reading
User Settings
Add sidebar layout customization options
Server Settings
Fix some pop-up flashing on incremental sync
Server Settings
Add an configuration tool for multi-image capture on ip cameras
Add support for including LRP images in multi-image capture
Server Settings
Add "device health" connection status monitor
Tare Weights
Fix tare weights not rounding correctly
Remove full sync
Weights & Units
Update unit of measure label to reflect scale/manual weight system of measurement
Lane Right Sidebar
Add "only show last load" toggle
Truck Add/Edit
Fix tare weight not saving
Server Settings
Fix scale repeating pattern inspector poping up behind the scale settings popup
Add in auto-id read on kiosk home screen
Skip home screen when kiosk only has 1 permission
Auto-navigate to lane and set mode as check-in or ticket on auto-id read
Server Settings
Add override to enter manual weight as "net"
Fix printer selection not always defaulting correctly
Kiosk Monitor
Add "kiosk monitor" page to view current kiosk activity
Allow additional optional fields to b e set when finalizing inbound ticket
Decouple truck & driver
Add driver to repeat last load
Remove "Driver" from grid
Remove "Driver" from grid
The following articles contain changelogs for the new ticketing application.
For assistance using the Fast-Weigh application, please contact the support team by phone at 865-219-2980 or email at support@tacinsight.com.
The In-Yard tab allows you to manage trucks between Region, Location, Yard, and their Status of Loaded or Not Loaded.
To refine your search, you can enter the Truck or Hauler ID in the Search bar to filter only the intended truck. Clicking the truck or hauler in the table changes the view to the Edit Truck screen, allowin you to set the truck as In-Yard or have it removed.
Lanes can be set for both inbound and outbound scales or multi-yard locations. To review the process for setting up lanes, please check out this article.
When ticketing between multiple lanes, the intended lane will be highlighted when selected for ticketing. The current scale weight will also be available to view to assist with determining the correct lane to ticket when using multiple scales, or inbound/outbound locations.
The selected lane can be viewed at the top of the the ticketing screen. You will need to ensure the correct lane is selected if you are ticketing between multiple lanes.
The ticketing screen displays information related to the current ticket being created. This includes the following:
Truck: The selected truck or hauler.
Repeat Last: One-click repeat of the previous ticket after the truck has been selected.
Tare: Captures a new tare weight of the selected truck.
Check-in: Marks the truck as In-Yard.
Assign: Assigns the truck to the order product.
Customer: The selected Customer.
Customer Info: The Customer ID, Credit Status, and Address
Order: The selected Order.
Order Info: The Order #, the Pay Type, and Direction.
Product: The selected Product.
Product Info: The Product ID, the associated Yard, Tax Code, and Unit of Measurement.
UDF: The UDF (if available) used for this ticketing lane. In the image above, the field for "PO Number" is a UDF that has been activated for this lane. Click here to review setting up a UDF.
Order Info and Ticket Note: These fields are populated manually, or when creating the order and contain information such as Delivery Notes or Addresses.
Scale: The current weigh detected by the scale, which displays the Gross, Tare, and Net values. When using manually entry, you do not have the option to Accept or Override weights.
Cost Breakdown: Displays the Material, Freight, and Surcharge (if applied) for the current product weight.
Image: An image of the truck, product, or other scale view if a camera is available.
When a Hauler has been enabled for Dispatch, a selection menu will appear above the Customer menu. This will allow a selection to be made of existing Requests assigned to this Hauler. The information available is then filled in below to provide:
Reference #: The set reference number for this request.
Quantity: The quantity set for this request.
Fulfilled: The amount fulfilled on this request.
After the order, product, and weight have been selected, you will have different options available. Depending on the direction of the ticket, you may have a different selection. You will also have the option to reset the ticket selections, or choose a different printer if one is available.
Create Ticket: Allows you to create a ticket.
Create and Pay Ticket: Allows you to create a ticket and accept payment. This will provide the option to select the ticket from the payments menu.
Add to Multiproduct Ticket: Creates a multiproduct ticket, which will display the ticket information below the scale and cost breakdown.
Create Pending: Creates a pending ticket. This allows the incoming order to be dropped, and the ticket to be finalized when the truck has completed the inbound order and is ready to exit the location.
Create and Pay Ticket: Allows you to create a ticket and accept payment. This will provide the option to select the ticket from the payments menu.
Ticket History is available on the ticketing screen based on the truck currently being ticketed. In the above example, multiple tickets had been created throughout the day. From here, you can select a ticket associated with the truck to review the order info or reprint the ticket from the same menu. Pending Inbound tickets will display in blue with a delete icon. These tickets can be selected, which will automatically fill in the related information, and allow you to finalize the pending ticket.