The Customers menu will provide you with a list of customers that have orders for this device location. Here you will see basic information, such as the Customer ID and Customer Name, as well as the contact information and total Ticket Copies the customer has set. Because Customers are assigned to Orders, this list cannot be edited to avoid any discrepancies and sync errors.
The Fast-Weigh Desktop Ticketing App's main screen is made up of fields that contain the who, what, and why of your ticketing. The information presented is simplified for ease of use and avoids clutter and overcrowding of unnecessary information or data. This section will break down some of the main components of Fast-Weigh's Ticketing Screen.
The side menu can be stored or expanded by clicking the three lines in the top left. The expanded menu will provide some context for the icons you see by default on the side bar.
These menu options are:
Ticketing: Where you will primarily ticket for single tickets.
Multi-Ticketing: Where you will ticket when selecting multiple products per ticket.
Trucks: Where you will manage your Trucks and Haulers in-app.
Customers: Where you will review your customer information.
Orders: Where you will review and manage your Location orders in-app.
Reports: Where you will run reports in-app.
History: Where you will review, reprint, or void previous tickets.
Portal: A link to the Fast-Weigh Web Portal.
Specific pages for these menus are available in more detail.
In the top right of the screen are additional icons. Clicking the three dots on the far right will add text to help navigate. These icons relate to:
Support: Will open a new browser page to the Fast-Weigh support page.
This is commonly referred to by our support team as the "headset icon" that provides a download link to our remote assist tool.
Help: This links to our Support team, allowing you to submit a help request and review our Knowledge Base articles.
Operator: Allows you to select or enter a new operator.
Sync: Provides a single-click to update your Ticketing App with any updated Web Portal records.
Settings: Opens the settings menu.
Depending on your user permissions or organization policy, these may be locked to some users.
The main focus on the ticketing screen is the information you will enter to create a ticket. To begin ticketing, you must select or enter a Truck.
These fields are:
Truck: The truck selected, and the related information. While the Truck ID is populated in the text field, the Hauler, their most recent tare date and weight, and the truck max weight and total volume will be listed to the right.
Customer: The Customer ID will populate in the text field, while the full name will be listed to the right.
Order: The Order Number will populate in the text field, the Order Description will be listed to the right.
Product: The Product ID will populate in the text field, the full product name will be include.
This information can be typed into these fields, provided you know the exact information. However, clicking the magnifying glass next to each field will allow you to review and select the Truck, Customer, Order, and Product from the right side menu.
The next block of ticketing information includes:
Order Info: The order information entered on the order. Includes the delivery address, order note, or PO number.
Ticket Note: The Ticket Note is an editable field that can be used by the scale house to associate any notes the driver may provide, such as a change of address, load fulfillment, etc.
Weight: The weight field provides the weight registered by the connected scale or manually entered.
Gross, Tare, and Net: The two boxes below Weight provide the Gross, Tare, and Net between US Measurements or Metric Measurements.
Finally, the lower left section provides the option to PRINT or create a ticket, and provides a quick detail of your locations productivity and the next ticket in sequence. The lower right right provides the scale and traffic light toggles. If you are using more than one scale, you will see these listed by their scale name as well.
This menu will show you your Daily Ticket History while there is no information being selected, but clicking the magnifying glass next to the Truck field will show you a list of available trucks to begin ticketing. However, if you are needing to repeat the exact ticket, you can select a line item from the Daily Ticket History menu, which will auto-populate that tickets information.
The Daily Ticket History menu can be adjusted to show available trucks marked as In-Yard. By clicking the drop down menu showing Last Load Today, you can view any In-Yard truck. There are a few settings that allow you to mark trucks as In-Yard (more on this in the Settings article). With these settings enabled, you can TARE a truck prior to ticketing, and then revisit the ticket once they have been loaded. When selecting TARE, you will be prompted to confirm if the Truck is In-Yard.
When marking a Truck as In-Yard, it will assign the truck to the Order and Order Product, which you will see reflected in the Web Portal under the Trucks > Assignment menu. You can read more on this in the Assignment article.
Fast-Weigh Ticketing also supports multi-product ticketing. The screen for multi-product ticketing remains the same as the standard ticketing screen, with a few additions and changes.
When using multi-product ticketing, you will have a new option next to the [PRINT] button. After selecting the TRUCK, CUSTOMER, ORDER, and PRODUCT, clicking the new [ADD PRODUCT] button will select the current product and weight and add them to the PRODUCTS ON TICKET table. This table displays the related product information and the current weight by units. Products can also be removed if selected by accident by pressing the [✖] button on the right hand side.
The new weight tables provide the total units on this order between all products that have been added as a running total.
The portal menu tab allows you to quickly access the Web Portal for your Fast-Weigh tenant. Clicking this icon will load a new window or a new tab in your default browser.
The settings for the Desktop Ticketing App can shape the way that your operations function. please contact us at support@tacinsight.com or call 865-219-2980 during business hours if you need assistance with any of your Desktop App settings.
To get to your settings screen, navigate to the Settings button near the top-right corner of the app. If you are unable to determine the app icon, clicking the three dots to the right will provide text below each icon.
The General tab is the first settings screen you will land on.
Customer ID & Pin and Scalehouse ID & Pin - This is what ties your Ticketing App to your Web Portal.
Please contact us at support@tacinsight.com or call 865-219-2980 during business hours if you need assistance with this setting.
Sync on Startup - We recommend always having this on. This forces the program to sync with the Web Portal when opened.
Lock Settings - This locks the desktop app settings behind a password.
Allow Hauler Add - This setting toggles the ability to add in new Haulers from the app.
Allow Order Add/Update - This setting toggles the ability to add and update orders from the app.
There is also an option to "Mask Pricing" if this setting is on.
Use Load Out - Used with the Load-Out Module to track tared-in trucks that have not weighed out.
To add Load-Out to your Fast-Weigh subscription, contact us at 865-219-2980 or support@tacinsight.com.
Product Specifications - Turn this setting on to allow for the creation and use of Product Specs.
Please contact us at support@tacinsight.com or call 865-219-2980 during business hours if you would assistance configuring Product Specs
Use Request/Dispatch - Turning this setting on allows you to tie a Dispatch Request directly to a Ticket to track fulfillment.
You can set this to Optional, Warn if no Dispatch is set, or Require a Dispatch to be set.
Note: When Truck Specific is checked, only trucks assigned to a request can be used to ticket that request. If it is unchecked, any trucks under the hauler assigned to the request can be used.
Use Metric - Switch to the Metric system instead of Imperial.
Audio Alert - Makes a sound when a truck comes on the scale.
You will need to load an audio file from your PC for this setting to function.
Driver Kiosk Mode - Set to "On" if the system will be running on an unattended kiosk instead of operated by an employee in a scale house.
To add an Unattended Kiosk to your Fast-Weigh subscription, contact us at 865-219-2980 or support@tacinsight.com.
Use Spanish or French - Enable these settings to let the Driver swap languages when ticketing.
Requires the Language Pack to be installed on the PC before the Desktop Ticketing Application is installed, may require a reinstall if this is setting is not functioning.
Driver Select Trucks - Set to "No" to prevent the Driver from selecting a Truck.
Note: This should only be used with an RFID or Barcode scan system.
Driver Select Orders - Set to "No" to prevent ticketing if no order has been assigned to the truck.
Show Keyboard - Set to "Yes" to show an in-app touch keyboard.
Lock Reprint - Require the Device Pin to reprint the last ticket.
Allow Auto Trucks - Used to auto-generate a temporary, one-time-use Truck for ticketing
Get Lists From Portal - Pull list from the portal (Never, Optional, Always).
Display Name - The location name that will display on the ticket.
Display Phone - The location phone number that will display on the ticket.
Display Address - The location address that will display on the ticket.
The Ticket settings influence how tickets are created, as well as ticket appearance.
First/Next Ticket Number - This is where you can set the sequence for the ticket numbers or change them, if needed.
Note: Ticket numbers should never be given even the chance to overlap, so be mindful when setting this number.
Ticket Copies to Print - This sets the default number of copies of the ticket to print
Days Tare Weights Valid - How long truck tare weights are kept in the system before being prompted to record a new tare weight
Retain Ticket History for [X] Days - How long the system locally saves ticket data
We recommend not exceeding 7 days, since more data can impact the speed of the system by using excess PC memory.
Turn Around Time - This sets a limit on how quickly tickets can be created in succession.
Evaluate Order Quantity - This can be set to "Warn" the operator when the amount hauled is close to the quantity set on the order, "Restrict" ticketing over the set quantity, or "Ignore" any set quantities.
If this is set to "Warn" or "Restrict", you can set how closely the number of loads is allowed to approach the set quantity before the system warning.
By default, this setting is turned off. We do not recommend turning this on unless you have a fast and consistent internet connection.
Use Tare on Inbound Orders - This can be set to "Never" to prevent the system from automatically pulling the tare from the Web Portal, "Prompt" if you would like to use the saved tare, or "Always" to constantly use the tare saved in the Web Portal.
If set to "Prompt", a message will appear when you weigh the gross weight.
Get Tare Weights From Portal - Set to "On" to receive tare weights only from the Portal, as opposed to relying on the sync button to refresh local data.
By default, this setting is turned off. We do not recommend turning this on unless you have a fast and consistent internet connection.
The Devices tab is where you can set up any additional hardware accessories supported by Fast-Weigh. Please contact us at support@tacinsight.com or call 865-219-2980 during business hours for accessory recommendations and setup.
Number of Scales - The number of scales connected to your PC.
To add the Additional Scales to your Fast-Weigh subscription, contact us at 865-219-2980 or support@tacinsight.com.
Use Lights - Set to "Yes" if you use signal lights at the scale.
Use Cameras - Set to "Yes" if you use IP cameras and would like to capture images of trucks during ticketing.
To add the Image Capture to your Fast-Weigh subscription, contact us at 865-219-2980 or support@tacinsight.com.
Scale Settings - The configuration used to read data from the scale.
If you need assistance determining these settings, please contact us at 865-219-2980 or support@tacinsight.com.
Use RFID - Set to "Yes" if you use truck RFID beacons for ticketing.
Use Signature Pad - Set to "Yes" if you use a digital signature pad to capture signatures during ticketing.
Use Mag Stripe - Set to "Yes" if you use Mag Stripe cards and a card reader to identify trucks.
Use Keyboard Wedge - Used with Kiosk mode.
Contact us at 865-219-2980 or support@tacinsight.com if you need assistance with this setting.
Use Scale Stability - Turn this setting on to prevent ticketing while there are fluctuations in the weight from the weight indicator.
This is where you can load-in ticket and report formats for the Ticketing App. These can be default as well as custom formats.
Update from Portal - Click on this button to load in the newest versions of Fast-Weigh tickets and reports.
Note: Reports must be updated upon initial App setup to load them into the App. If they are not loaded in, the system will print blank tickets or not print at all.
Add Report File - This is where you can manually upload custom reports or ticket formats to the App.
This tab shows a general overview of your App and PC information.
Check for Updates - Click here to check for the newest version of the App.
Note: You will need to update the app from the Windows Store if it is outdated.
Save Configuration - This saves all of your Ticketing App settings to the Web Portal or locally so they can be restored, if needed.
It is recommended that you save your configuration to the portal anytime you make a change to your settings.
This tab shows advanced settings for the App.
Advanced Printing Options - "Yes" will turn on Advanced Printing, which overrides the Windows print dialogue when you create a ticket. Advanced printing will instead use a custom printing program to automatically print the ticket.
By default, this setting is turned off. We do not recommend turning this on unless recommend to you by the Fast Weigh Team. Please contact us at 865-219-2980 or support@tacinsight.com for questions about this setting.
The first print after opening the app will create a new system window, please minimize this window and allow it to run in the background, as it is required for Advanced Printing to function.
App Menu Configuration - This allows you to toggle the visibility of the different menu items on the left of the App. We recommend leaving this on the Default settings
Font Size - You can set a smaller or larger font size for the app here.
Use V2 Ticketing Forms - V2 Ticketing Forms is an updated ticketing form that is recommended to be enabled.
This updated version provides increased performance and addresses minor bugs, but is not required to be enabled use the Ticketing App.
Multiple Locations - This setting enables use for Multiple Locations.
By default, this setting is turned off. We do not recommend turning this on unless recommended to you by the Fast Weigh Team. Please contact us at 865-219-2980 or support@tacinsight.com for questions about this setting.
The Trucks menu allows you to add and manage trucks and haulers within the app. This information is synced with the trucks, haulers, and assignments entered in the Web Portal.
On the right hand side of the screen is the Truck Menu and Tare History screen.
The tare menu allows you to enter a TARE for a truck outside of ticketing. This can be useful after setting up a truck to get an accurate empty weight. The first text field allows you to select a truck, or you can search for one by clicking the magnifying glass, which will populate the list to the right. Then, you can enter the TARE WEIGHT in the field below. The section below these text fields provides info on the selected truck. This info can be found and adjusted in the EDIT TRUCK menu in the app, or on the Haulers and Trucks submenus.
Assigning a truck to an order simplifies the ticketing process for trucks or haulers that only fill one product from an order. After selecting the truck and entering an accurate tare, you can select the desired CUSTOMER, ORDER, and PRODUCT then click [SAVE]. The TRUCK INFO is provided below the product selection for review, which is helpful for haul companies that have multiple Truck IDs used by your organization.
Adding a truck can be done within the ticketing app, though you may need to add a Hauler first, which can be reviewed in the lower section of this article. This sections contains the same entry fields as the order assignment screen, but allows you to enter the information associated with the truck and driver, including the TRUCK TYPE and contact information.
Editing truck information can be done after a truck has been added. This menu is identical to the Add Truck screen, but you will select a truck that has been previously entered from the right menu. This is typically done when a truck needs to be entered to complete a ticket and revisited after they have left the scale house.
Adding a Hauler is necessary to associate a truck. This can be an individual or a company, but this record must exist prior to adding a truck. There are only two required fields, the Hauler ID and Hauler Name, while the following Hauler Details fields are optional.
The History tab provides the ability to review, reprint, or void tickets run daily. Previous tickets will not populate in this menu, and will need to be reviewed via the Web Portal. The table displays information specific to the tickets, including the timestamp of the ticket as well as the truck, order, product, customer, and net values.
VOID will void this ticket from the history, which will remove the record from appearing when using the Ticket Query in the Web Portal, unless specific parameters are set when searching. PRINT will allow you to reprint the ticket as it appeared during the time of ticketing. If you are experiencing issues with your printer, or Fast-Weigh did not print the ticket or correct amount of duplicates initially, you can use this to reprint the ticket as many time as needed,
Clicking the information icon will open a new window within Fast-Weigh that provides more details about the ticket.
Reports can be run with the ticketing app, similar to utilizing the Web Portal Reporting tool. The ticket app has its own list of available reports that will pull information from the local database, where the Reporting Portal looks across your organization as a whole.
Thumbnails: Provides a preview image of the generated report pages.
Outlines: Allows for filtering lines on reports by OrderKeys (these are generated via the FW database upon creation of the Order)
Parameters: The settings or criteria entered for the report.
Export: Pull the report from FW to view in a different software or format.
Page Settings: How the report page appears.
Print: Print a physical copy or .pdf of the report.
The reports contained in the ticketing app have little cross over with the Web Portal Reporting tool. Though you can generate similar reports between the app and the Reporting Portal, these reports provide specific information from the device location. To review the Web Portal reports, please refer to our Reporting article.
Cash Detail by Reference
Cash sales with references listed
Cash Reference
Cash sales by specific reference number.
Customer Listing
Customers with orders at the location.
Daily Cash Sale Detail
Daily cash sales with ticket details.
Daily Cash Sale Summary
Daily cash sales by order and ticket totals.
Daily Customer Order Summary
Total tickets run per customer order.
Daily Customer Product Summary - All
Summary of tickets and material totals per day.
Daily Customer Product Summary
Summary of tickets and material totals per customer.
Daily Order Detail
Daily ticket and order details.
Daily Order Summary
Daily ticket and material totals per order.
Daily Product Detail by Yard
Daily ticket and material totals per Yard.
Daily Product Detail
Daily product and ticket totals.
Daily Product Summary by Yard
Daily product and ticket totals by Yard.
Daily Product Summary
Daily product and ticket totals.
Daily Ticket Listing
Daily tickets with order information.
Daily Truck Detail
Daily order and tickets per Truck.
Daily Truck Summary
Daily ticket and material totals per Truck.
NTEP Certification
NTEP Certification document.
Order Listing
Orders available to ticket at the location.
Order Product Listing
Order and products available to ticket at the location.
Truck Tare Certification
Certification of truck tare documents.
Voided Ticket Detail
Ticket information for voided tickets
The Orders menu allows you to review, add, and edit orders at your locations. The main screen provides the Order #, the Customer information, and the Description, Direction, and Pay Type. Adjusting the ACTIVE/INACTIVE drop down will change the display between Active and Inactive orders.
Next to this drop down is a toggle to Show Order Products. This button adjusts the menu screen to collapsible lines and provides more details relating to the product and location for each order listed. After expanding each order line, the Collapse All button will return each line to closed. Clicking again will expand the order lines again.
Order Number: Automatically assigned by the system. This field cannot be filled or changed by the user.
Direction (Required): Used for the scale house to determine if weighing inbound (e.g. dumping) or outbound (e.g. material sales).
Customer (Required): Click on the search button to bring up your Customer List to add a Customer to the Order.
Description (Required) : Create a name, title, or other description of the Order here.
Order/Delivery Info: Custom Order/Delivery instructions which will be printed on every ticket.
Pay Type (Required): Select the payment type for the Order:
Charge Show $ / Charge Hide $: Charged to an account with the dollar amount either shown or hidden on the ticket
Cash, Credit Card, or Check: All of these options display the dollar amount on the ticket.
PO Number: Customer-assigned purchase order number.
Job: You may enter a customer job number as a reference.
Certified: Check this box if this is a Certified Order.
Click [SAVE] to save your changes and begin adding Products.
After saving, a new section will be added to the lower area of the Add/Edit Orders screen.
Clicking the [ADD ORDER PRODUCT] button will provide you with a new menu to add a product to the order you've just created.
Yard: Use the search button to set the Yard where this Order Product will be accessible.
Product: Use the search button to select the Product.
The Unit Price, Freight Rate, Surcharge, and Hauler Rate boxes will be automatically set, but can be edited if prices are shown.
Tax Group & Tax Code: This will be automatically set, but can be changed with the search button.
Hauler: Select a specific Hauler if only one will be allowed to ticket this material.
Pricing Description: Optional if this product will follow a certain pricing structure.
(Ex: 10% off the first 20 tons)
Freight Type: Set freight type by load or unit.
Surcharge Type: Set surcharge type by load or unit.
Default Phase: If you have a third-party accounting system that uses accounting phases, the Default Phase field integrates directly with those phases.
Cost Type: Integrates directly with any cost types used in your third-party accounting system.
Price Adjustments: Set the price adjustments that will be applied to your product.
Click [SAVE] to save your changes.
Repeat this to add all Products being sold on this Order.
After creating a new Order, make sure to click the Sync button in the top right.
To make changes to an Order, click on the EDIT button on the left of the Orders table. The Order Edit page is the same as the Order Creation page.
Make any changes to the Order or Order Products information and [SAVE] each change.
If you need to set an Order as Inactive, click on the Inactivate button on the Order table and confirm that you want to set the order as Inactive.
After editing an Order, make sure to click the Sync button in the top right.
In the top right corner of the Order screen, you can click [ADD ORDER] to add a new order directly in the app. This will change the screen to the Order Entry screen, which is similar to the screen in the web portal.
Use Haul Zones: Selecting “Yes” for this field turns on for a particular order.
Open Order: Set this to YES if this order will be open to future .