Detailed information regarding the Truck Bulk Edit tab of the Trucks module
Here you are able to make bulk edits to the License Expiration, Insurance Expiration, Status, and any UDFs you have set up for trucks.
The Bulk Edit screen defaults the presented trucks to those that have an Active status, and defaults to showing All haulers. You may change these to view trucks you have set to Inactive, or you can narrow down the results by selecting a specific Hauler's trucks to be returned in the table.
As an example I have set the Hauler to our Quarry's Loading Hauler, as the two trucks under that hauler have hit their expirations.
We will be updating the License and Insurance Expirations, as well as changing the UDF "Test" value. Utilizing the calendar dropdown you are able to set the new dates, and if you are using any UDFs you may enter an appropriate value for your company's needs.
Once you have updated the relevant information simply click the "Save" button.
WARNING - Any edit made in the Bulk Edit screen must apply to ALL selected trucks. If the trucks will have different expiration dates you must update these individually.
Outline of information for the Trucks tab and it's functions.
Detailed information on the Assignment tab within the Trucks module
Here you are able to assign trucks to particular Orders and Order Products, and this makes it easier to ticket on this truck as the scale operators will only need to enter the Truck ID when ticketing on the assigned truck.
When you click on the Assignment tab you will see a table with all of your assignments listed, and you are able to Search or use the Filter Funnels to narrow your search to a specific assignment. You are able to clear an assignment by clicking the "X Clear" button in the assignment table.
To add a new assignment click the "+ New Assignment" button on the top right of the assignment table:
Once the new assignment window has popped up you may fill out the information for the truck assignment:
Region - The region the order and customer for the relevant product to be selected
Order - The order for the relevant customer and product to be selected
Product - The desired product you would like the truck to be assigned to
Once you have filled out the above fields you just need to check one or more trucks to be assigned to the order product, and once you click "Save" the truck(s) will now be assigned to a specific order product!
Here will just be a quick example of how the truck assignment translates to the Ticketing App, and how it will look to the scale operator ticketing the trucks.
Above is how the ticketing app appears before ticketing. The truck assignment cuts down on the time it takes to set up a ticket for a specific truck. Using the example in the previous image of the assignment table:
When ticketing on a specific truck that has been assigned to a product, the ticketing app will automatically fill out the Customer, Order, and Product fields so that the operator should only need to enter the weight of the truck.
The truck will remain assigned to the particular product until the assignment has been Cleared from the assignments page
To clear an assignment simply click the "X Clear" button in the assignment table on the assignment you wish to clear.
Click "Ok" on the pop-up and the assignment will be cleared, and once the Ticketing App has been synced the truck will no longer populate the Order, Customer, and Product automatically.
Detailed information on the Haulers tab within the Trucks module.
Typically a Hauler is going to be a carrier, trucking company, or customer that owns that trucks in which you will be ticketing. You can also think of Haulers as a folder that one or multiple trucks belong to.
Here you are able to create haulers, as well as edit, delete, and assign existing haulers.
You can create a new hauler by clicking the + New Hauler button in the top right of the hauler table. The following window will pop up:
Enable Dispatching requires the Dispatching module add-on to be used. If you are interested in adding the Dispatching module please contact us at 865-219-2980 or
The only required fields are the Hauler ID and Name. Below are brief descriptions of each of the fields:
Hauler ID - A shorthand ID for the Hauler
Name - Full name of the Hauler
Address - Fields for the Hauling Company's address.
Contact Information - Fields for the Hauling company's main contact
Vendor AP Num - Field to store Hauler's Vender AP number if one is to be used
Hauler Type - Field to differentiate Haulers as External, Internal, or Other
External - Outside company is hauling material
Internal - Your company is hauling the material
Other -
Insurance # - Field for Hauler's insurance policy number
(Insurance) Expiration - Set date for Hauler's insurance expiration
This applies to any truck within the Hauler
Workers Comp # -
(Workers Comp) Expiration - Set date for Workers Comp expiration
Certification # -
(Certification) Expiration - Set date for Certification expiration
Enable Dispatching - Allow trucks within the Hauler to be used for the Dispatching feature
All Regions - If checked, Hauler can be ticketed on in any region. If unchecked you are able to pick specific regions you would like the Hauler to be able to be ticketed on.
Active - If checked, Hauler is available to be ticketed on. If unchecked, Hauler will be unavailable and not populate in ticketing app.
Allow Overloaded Trucks - Future use in newest ticketing app
Use Tare on Inbound - Future use in newest ticketing app
Days Tare Valid - Future use in newest ticketing app
Once you have filled out the relevant fields you can click Update to add the Hauler.
Detailed information on the Trucks tab in the Fast Weigh Web Portal
Here is where you are able to add trucks to the Haulers you have set up in your instance of Fast Weigh.
Above is an example of the Trucks page from one of our internal tenants. You are able to filter by Hauler and Status on this page, as well as use the Search or the Filter Funnels. These filtering options will be helpful for when you are trying to narrow down a specific truck.
You are able to Create, Edit, and Delete Trucks from this page, as well as upload and view any relevant documents for the trucks.
Click "+ New Truck" to open the New Truck window:
The only required fields are Hauler, Truck ID, and Active, but you are able to fill out the rest to fit your companies needs. Below is an explanation for each field:
Hauler - Select the Hauler that the truck is going to belong to
Truck ID - The identifier for the Truck
RFID/BLE ID - If you are using a RFID/BLE scanner you can set the ID in this field
Driver - (Requires Dispatch Module) You can associate the truck with a driver you have set up if you have the Dispatch Module
Driver Email - (Requires Dispatch Module) You may add the driver's email here
Text on Ticket - Select if you would like to send a text to the driver when they are ticketed on
Mobile Number - (Requires Dispatch Module) You may add the driver's mobile number here, and if you would like to Text on Ticket you must enter the number
Active - Check to ensure this truck can be ticketed on
Test - This field is a UDF, see our UDFs article to learn more about setting these up
License - The truck's license plate number
License/Insurance Expiration - Fields to store the truck's License and Insurance expiration dates
Truck Type - Select the Truck Type, if you are using it - This must be set up prior to creating the truck in the Truck Types page in the Resources module
Max Weight - Pound/Tonnage capacity for the truck that can be set to prevent overloading
Target Weight - An ideal capacity for the truck that can be set
Volume - Volumetric capacity for the truck that can be set to prevent overloading
Tare - The weight of the truck while it is empty, you can set this up when first adding the truck and edit it at any time
Load-out Drops - (Requires Load-Out Module) Set the number of drops the truck is going to take and the percentage of the total amount of product per drop
If you are interested in adding the Dispatching or Load-Out module please contact us at 865-219-2980 or
Once you have filled out the relevant information for the truck you are adding you can hit "Update" and the truck will populate in the table. Once the truck populates you can click the "View" button in the Documents column of the table to add relevant documents for the truck.
When you click the "View" button in the Documents column a Documents window will pop up for you to add the relevant documents:
This window will show any documents you have added to the truck, and you can view or delete any existing document. Click "+ New Document" to add a document for a truck.
You just need to give a Title, Description, and add a File for the document to appear in the truck profile.
Lastly, you may also export the Trucks table to Excel for your company's needs.