The Orders tab allows you to view and manage orders in Fast-Weigh.
Columns and Filters
The Orders tab offers a refined menu, providing easy visibility when toggling between active and inactive orders. The Orders tab is organized by the Order # by default, but can be searched by entering any associated order information, such as the description or customer name or by adjusting the columns. The columns available follow:
Order #: The Order number generated by Fast-Weigh upon entry in the Web Portal
Customer ID: The Customer ID
Customer: The full Customer name.
Description: The order description entered in the Web Portal.
Pay Type: The type of charge accepted for this order, either Cash, Charge, Credit, or Check.
Direction: The direction of the order, either Inbound or Outbound.
Default Job: The associated job information.
PO Number: The PO number, if entered on the Order in the Web Portal.
Clicking on an order will redirect you to the Order edit screen in the Web portal.
Product: The product chosen for the order, as listed in the Product Setup.
Location: The location associated with the product.
Yard: The Yard the product is available to pick from.
Description: The pricing description for this product.
Unit: The unit of measurement set in the Product Setup.
Tax Code: The Tax Code applied to this product.
Status: If the product is available to select when ticketing.
If a new order is needed, clicking on the icon will redirect you to the Web Portal to create a new order. For a guide on creating a new order, refer to this article on that process.
To review the products available on an order, click the button. The lower half of the Orders screen will then display the product information for the associated order with the following columns: